Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Thursday, October 31, 2013


"DRESSING UP AS SHEET MUSIC! SHURELY HAUNTING!" So, this morning, I was trying to decide what to dress up as today. Since I am a writer, I was going to dress as a pencil, but I just couldn’t get the lead out! Then, I thought maybe since I am a singer, I would go as sheet music. But, I just couldn’t find any white sheets. So, I finally decided that since I had been sick and pulled out my tooth and all which all left me half dead, I’d just dress up as something that took less work. A zombie! Already ½ way there. PIMP LOL. Have a fun day and night. Sing some music. Even if you can’t find a sheet. I may just have to find a white sheet. I like that idea. Anybody got a white sheet I can borrow? Course, it may be a blues sheet when you get it back. Oh! And, what did the sheet costume sing to the singer wearing it? I got the music in me. Haunting... You can’t beat that! Hope my singing doesn't scare you too bad. PIMP LOL. And, if you see me out and about? Please don't stomp on me and run me over. You know how we all love to run through the sheet music. Practice? PIMP LOL. Oh! And, I was going to make a photo of us singing and playing with a music stand and an ear clipped to it instead of sheet music. Playing by ear? DUH LOL.   And, if you want to stop by one of my haunts? Here's the link to some haunting music:  Signed, Hoping To Haunt, Not Scare. With Music

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The True Colors Of A Fall!

“THE TRUE COLORS OF A FALL!” I miss Pennsylvania fall and the colors and change of season so much. Yes, I fall for fall. So much that I imagined today that I was back in the mountains and part of that thrill this year. I put myself in a friends photograph just to feel the change again and then see it! Barefoot with a clump of gorgeous leaves for my collection. Now, I am imagining that it won’t be long before we are making a huge pile to jump in. Anyways, got me thinking about how we fall at seasons in our lives. Sometimes, you gotta be right smack in the middle of the fall to see the true colors of yourself and others and then, change. Sometimes, you just gotta put yourself out there to feel the change. And, then see it. You gotta branch out. Show your true colors. The thing about fall? It’s only for a season. Just like when we fall. We get up. Change… For the true colors of a fall show our rather hueman colorful side. I’ll just leaf you with that! Signed, Colorfully Putting Myself Out There


“PROMISES, SQUIRRELS & UNEXPECTED JOY! IT'S NOT JUST IN YOUR HEAD!” So, this morning had some unexpected rain. You know I love unexpected rain, but then I love expected rain, too. I love when the weather man says its going to rain and it really does. But, when they’re not calling for it, and I see a little cloud or my radar app on my phone shows it, I unexpectedly smile. It’s great when things and people follow through with expected plans. We expect that. And, so we should. But, there’s disappointment when things or people don’t. So, when you get a joy unexpectedly, it comes with no chance for disappointment. Like weather forecasts or people’s intentions. S’like being a kid at their first Christmas. No chance for disappointment. Just pure joy. That’s what unexpected rain is for me. A surprise from above letting me know He knows I am here. We are here. So, anyways, the funny thing is that while I was standing out on the porch to see the rain, I heard a weird cat kind of sound coming from our huge Norfolk Pine. After much investigation, I finally laid my eyes on a rather large plump squirrel making that weird noise. It was trailing one of our many lizards that live on our porch and front garden area. He kept that noise and chase up for a long time. After a while, he heard my camera and glanced over at me and I unexpectedly got a shot of him. In fact, several. You just never know what you may hear or see or feel when you go out in the rain. And, when you follow through. I know… You’re thinking that possibly that squirrel has some relatives that live close by. In my head. PIMP LOL. Have a fun day. Find unexpected joy from following through with unexpected plans. And, expected joy from keeping promises. Spread some. Promises. And, joy. Oh! And, the photographs I snapped are of the things I found joy in while listening to the rain and the squirrels. And, not just the ones in my head. DUH LOL. One shot of the squirrel looks so evil. Like a rat! You will notice in one shot that the sky had already cleared by the time I got done squirreling around with the morning. I would have loved for it to rain all day. Jus’ saying. Oh! And, I actually had a pet squirrel named “Ecru” when I was in my 20’s. No!! He didn’t live in my head. SILENT LOL. Well, enough squirrels for you today. One last thing? Follow through. For yourself. For those you make promises to. It's not just a thing in your head. Like squirrels. It's in the heart. Expect the unexpected. How do I clean out the squirrels in my head? By keeping promises and standing on the promises of God. Signed, The Joy In The Tomboy & The Squirrel In The Girl

The Vine!

On the porch, off my rocker, hanging out with the baskets. Yep! Just a basket case who leans on the Vine.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Late Night Schtacked Schnecken Schnack!

The Late Night Schtacked Schnecken Schnack! So, we had company. Our drummer friend, Ronnie, who usually takes us out, but I made this for them, instead. I recken you'll like my Schnecken. I named it the Late Night Schtacked Schnecken Schnack. It’s made with Onion Schnecken Rolls, Barbecue Chicken, Chipotle Cheddar Cheese, Lettuce, Cherry Tomatoes, Real Mayo, Vidalia Onion and Sweet Gherkins! It’s so big and boss, that about half way through it schneckens up on you. PIMP LOL. Mmm…. No cookbook necessary. Cooked it up myself. Wish I could eat one. Oh, well. I will settle for serving it. Love that. The good feelings schneckened up on me. So, serve someone. It will schnecken up on you and catch you by surprise when you serve with love. I make up my own kitchen kreations. My sandwishes. Yes, I call them sandwishes because I can put anything I wish in them. Oh! And a i'l kitchen humor: Since I cook, I think I can speak for how a cook would answer someone who just lied to them. He'd say: if you're gonna lie, at least marinade it a bit with some juicier stuff so I can chew on it a bit cuz I sure as heck am not gonna swallow it. Better to have raw truth than cooked up lie! What? Jus' pitchin' kitchen humor Signed, The Cook Without The Book Has Schtick On The Stack

Monday, October 28, 2013


“PUTTIN’ YOUR BUTS TO BED!” What? Well, today I am kicking butt, one “but” at a time. You know how most everything comes with a but? Like: You can do that, but… I'm your friend, but… I know I promised, but… You're awesome, but… I do love you God, but… Right? We've all bawled a bit over a few buts, but! We need to kick those but butts, one but at a time! Replace them with a period. Better yet? An exclamation! Doubts & letdowns come in the form of buts and butts. Don’t be a butt to someone by adding a but after a promise, now or later. Period! Keep your word. Exclamation! So, have a kick butt day. No buts about it! And, tonight? Put those buts to bed. Pray about the buts and pray FOR the butts. Because, we all know that if our buts are in God's hands and our other butts are in bed, we shall sleep better. DUH LOL PIMP LOL. And, thanks, guys for having my back about the "but" that happened to me yesterday. I decided to delete the story, though it wasn't bad and I wasn’t a butt about it. I just wanted to be quiet and give it to God. God knows my heart! SIGNED, I Have My Doubts, But I Kick Them Outs


“ROOTS! THEY KEEP ME STANDING AND I STAND ON THAT!” So, yay! Cool! We get to fix the AC! It’s okay. A li’l sarcasm lightens the load. But, it doesn't suck or blow! Jus' life. Well, come to think of it? It IS gonna suck AND blow here shortly. And, then cleanup and more cool! Cuz, we're blowing it out 1 end with the hose and sucking it out the other end with a borrowed ShopVac. Hmmm...wonder if I can use this advanced technology on my sinuses, ears, lungs and head? If we can make the AC breathe and get unclogged with all that gook, we should be able to fix me. Trace's might blow! Well, have a cool day. Sometimes, when life sucks or blows, you just gotta suck it up and blow it out! BTW? Do ya think there’s much humidity in the air today? I mean, in the hair? PIMP LOL. Wild hair day! Comes with the work. And, we all gotta work. Sure hope we get some rain today. Today def calls for a Pink Panther or John Candy movie. Hopefully, some music,! You’ll notice I’m standing on some tree roots and that’s why I’m looking down. I’m actually looking up in my heart thinking…”yep, I’ve got roots”. And, I’m not talkin’ ‘bout the purple hair roots. No. I’m talking ‘bout God. That’s the reason I can look at fixing the AC and wild hair days as not sucking or blowing. Even when they do. Because I got roots… And, I stand on that! PIMP LOL. He IS what keeps me standing. Oh! And, I got my music roots, too! Signed, Cracking A Half Smile Then Resting A Whole While


“CASTS!” I stepped outside yesterday after we fixed the AC and a long week of overcast skies and downcast happenings and I saw the sun for a moment. Got me thinking a bit about different kinds of casts. So, most of us have all been in a cast for broken bones and down cast with a broken heart. Plenty of us have seen things look overcast in our broken world around us or have been wrongly cast in the play of our life. Even felt like an outcast! God will not cast you out. He repairs broken bones, broken hearts, broken worlds and wrongs before they break us. He brokers our brokens. Have a fun day. Cast aside your hurt for humor, your fretting for freedom that comes with forgiveness. Cast your cares upon He who cares. Cast your overcast, downcast, outcast, or in a cast to the One who never casts out. Signed, The Spoken In The Broken


“HOODS, WINKS, HOODWINKING & THE KID IN ME” What? So, today, I feel like that li’l kid in me just got out through one of the holes in my fingerless gloves! She is so in trouble when she gets back. I like it when she’s here! The kid in me keeps me from doubtin’ with her childlike faith. And, the adult in me keeps that li’l girl from poutin’ with her wildlike faith. Wink wink! Yep! I was a kid once. Got hoodwinked into believing adulthood was cooler. Just grew up too fast and was even adultlike when I was a kid. Too sensitive, too grownup, for my own britches. Mmhmm… Well, I still have one hidden inside. The thing ‘bout being a kid is, you have boundaries and we can’t do a lot of things adults can! But, for good reason. It’s easy to get hoodwinked as an adult, so you can only imagine how easy as a child. Like getting hookwinked into choosing to do what some kids are doing around the neighborhood, or others hoods. Even, hoodwinked into believing some falsehoods. PIMP LOL. Choosing, respecting and obeying what’s right mold us into our adulthood. Then, when we leave kidhood for adulthood, we realize that it’s not just about being able to do what we want, it’s about being able to choose not to. And, then, doing something good with what we choose TO do. Not being hoodwinked. And, yes, still obeying and respecting others. That’s where OUR respect comes in. The not hoodwinking of others. Respect. Because, we all belong to one hood. Brotherhood and sisterhood. My kidhood may sometimes hoodwink my adulthood inside me, but we both have to live in this hood, so we wink it out. I mean, work it out. Yep. The kid in me keeps me from doubtin’ with her childlike faith. And, the adult in me keeps the kid from poutin’ with her wildlike faith. Wink wink! We both take everything to The Most Wise who loves the adult and the kid in me. We wink it out! I mean, work it out. BTW? All this hood talk has we hoping the weather changes soon so I can wear my sweaters and jackets with hoods. Jus’ sayin’! Oh! And, photos? Well, one with my hooded sweater as an adult (sort of) and one as a kid hanging by hood of the car winking. Loved classic cars and music, even as a kid. And, hoodwinking. PIMP LOL. I even loved posing with cars then, as I do now. And, the other was my 1st year in Florida, 12 years old. SIGNED, The Kid In The Adult In The Hood & The Adult In The Kid By The Hood, Winking

Carrying On! b.a.s.i.cally

I walk. If I can’t walk, I crawl. And, if I can’t crawl? I get carried. Yes, I get carried away. With my faith. One of my fave things in the bible is when a sick person had 4 friends with such faith they carried their friend, who couldn’t walk, and lowered him down through a roof to get near Jesus. We all should have such friends. And, such faith. And, by the way? Whether I’m walking, crawling or being carried? I’m always dancing and singing inside. Sometimes, even outside! Yes! I carry on. And, I get carried away with music. Well, with everything! And, one more thing? Sometimes, how I walk carries others. SIGNED, Getting Carried Away Is How I Carry On

Tendon"see Towards Truth!"

"Tendon"see Towards Truth!" Truth... Carries a lot of weight! It’s something to get up in arms about! PIMP LOL. Builds you up and has a way of working itself out. Truth makes you feel your soul tendons and muscles getting stronger! That’s pretty heavyweight! Hope you have an uplifting day. With a “tendon”see towards the truth. I try to remember that even on my weakest day, knowing and living the truth, strengthens my weak. And, when I feel the weights weighing me down, I know to wait. Things will have "tendon"see to change. In the meantime, I lift up my weights to the heavens. To the truth. One more thing? Lifting up others lifts some of the weight off of us. SIGNED, The Girl With the Curl Givin’ It To You Straight

Working At Playing! And, Playing At Work!

So, this is where I play and where I work. I do both hard! Because, it’s easier for me to keep busy and work hard. Do I play? Hardly! PIMP LOL. I do it by finding the whoas in the woes. Jus’ my li’l corner of this big ol’ world to shine a light. And, that keeps me real busy because, sometimes, it’s hard to find those whoas in the woes and shine a li’l light in that dark! So, work with me here and stop by our music website: It has my blog and albums and other stuff there, too. That would so whoa me! And, light me up! But, it’s not just about me. Sam works hard and plays hard on music in here, too. And, our girl. And, many many others along our life's rocky road. Hope you have a whoa weekend and not a woe is me. Work hard at playing! Signed, The Player In The Worker


Oppor”tune”ities & Oppor"teenieweenie"ities Of A Lifetime! So, oppor"teenieweenie"ities are those hard to see, very small, seemingly unimportant opportunities that end up making a big diff in our lives. Oppor"tune"ities are those songs, those tunes, that come to us at opportune times and make a big diff in our lives. Tunes that give us chills… Why do I keep singing even when I don’t see all the frills? Cuz it stills gives me thrills! And, chills! When I begin singing, I am free. The only place I am. And, that? Is my medicine. Oh! And, the photograph? Just an old one of 3 members of our previous band “Shepherd’s Heart”. Of course, Sam and myself and then our dear friend Bill on bass. We used to rock the flock, unsheepishly. PIMP LOL. Here we are nailing down some parts of a song. Take a small teenie weenie opportunity to make a diff in other lives. As well as our own. To use our own original tunes to work as a team, a family… To make a diff. Our pastor used to let us practice in the church building any time and play there as much as we could. We really did rock the “house”. PIMP LOL. One time, after practice, we backed up the band truck to the front doors to load up and clutch slipped and the truck smashed right through the front of the church. No joke. We had to go to his house and tell him what happened. He laughed. What a great man. We really knew how to make a scene! And, crash one! PIMP LOL. Anyways, we took that small opportunity at that small church and used it for big stuff. Oppor”tune”ities. Come in all sizes in our lives. And, in all songs. Oh! And, you can’t really see it, but I have my classic Shure mic in my hand when it was new. Still love it. Okay, so, if you get an opportunity? Come by our website: Oppor”tune”ities of a lifetime are there. Songs from all through our lives. Hey! I think I just thought of the new title for our new album we are starting while waiting on money for CD’s to be made. And, waiting and searching for more members of our newer band “the b.a.s.i.c. band” so we can play more. And, still make a diff. And, speaking of diffs? You can make a diff in our lives by getting one or both of our albums up until then. Thank you guys much for tune-ing in. PIMP LOL. SIGNED, Opportunity Knocks, Oppor"tune"ity Rocks


"3 BREADS THAT''LL GIVE YOU A SLICE OF LIFE IF YOU DON'T LOAF AROUND!" So, I can’t have yeast. Been having so many problems with breathing that I looked into some of the foods I eat more closely. Can’t believe how many foods have yeast added as fillers. I’m always searching for foods I can eat and live with. Literally! Because, breathing and eating? Umm…kind of important. No worries. I will just have to “rise” to the occasion. PIMP LOL. Sometimes, even when we’re tired, we must rise! Oh! And, what did God say to the Bread Bank Volunteers? “No loafing around! Whatever you do unto the yeast of them, you do unto me.” PIMP LOL. So, rise! Help yourself. Help others. Volunteer! It’s the yeast you can do! And, you know, sometimes? We be looking for the wrong kind of bread! I mean, yes, we need eating bread. And, I like that green bread, too! Need more of that! But, we so need our daily soul bread, too. You can take that to the bank! Have a fun day. There's a slice of life waiting for you. Signed, The Least Without The Yeast Will Still Rise

Giving You Some Lip!

I don't know why, but I felt like giving you guys all some lip. Prolly because the time of year. Just kiddin'. I had a memory tonight of the old cherry wax lips and fang lips that we used to get at Halloween. I can even remember coming down out of the mountains and going into a nearby town in the snow to trick or treat. My love for these lips will never wax cold. PIMP LOL. Fang you guys veerdy much for treating me to a read and a look. No tricks. Well, just one with my photo. The eyes and the lips. Not real. But, you knew that. If I really had wax lips, they would have been in my mouth, not on it DUH LOL. Have a restful night's sleep. Here's a pucker up for you tuckered up friends. What? That's what one brand says! Pucker! I could have used to the other brand name! Wack!PIMP LOL. And, speaking of waxing cold and lips? Give everything off your lips to God. Don't let your love for Him wax cold. From your lips to God's ear. Signed, The Tricker In The Treater


“HELMETS & EGGS!” So, I was watching football yesterday. And, one of the football players was such a good egg. I liked the way he scrambled. PIMP LOL. And, another one made such an awesome pass. Yes, I love football. Yes, I know all about it. Yes, I’m a girl. Okay, I'm gonna be a good egg myself and omelette you get back to your Monday now. Just wanted to crack you up. I hope it went over easy. I needed it, too. Last week was a hard, boiled day. It hit me all at once. No worries. I take all my eggs to God. His yoke is easy. Life’s too short. Don’t let it pass you by. Yes, I was sitting here for this photograph, but, don’t you sit. Get up and pass on some hope. Scramble to help someone. And, take your eggs to Him whose yoke is easy. Not saying life will be easy. I beg to differ there. Nope. Not every effort ends up as a touchdown. And, we do get downs. Jus’ sayin’ that we are not without comfort as we would be without Him. We have our helmet. The helmet of salvation. Keeps us eggs from cracking. Score! Have a fun week. Play a li’l. SIGNED, The Yoke In The Joke

Thursday, October 24, 2013


“TALK TO THE HAND: A GERBIL AGREEMENT!” So, you are probably wondering just what in the world is she talkin' 'bout now! Well, I was thinking about agreements and our word again because a circumstance came up recently and got my wheels turning. So, sometimes, trusting and making a verbal agreement can, down the road, turn into a verbal disagreement. Where you go round and round, and it turns into a Gerbil disagreement. PIMP LOL. Get it in writing! Or, learn to live with the fact that not all verbal agreements trusted in are from trustworthy people. Some are from rats. And, sometimes it’s hard to smell a rat when you want so much to smell a wonderful herbal scent. You know? Savor the aroma of a true friend. Like Herb! PIMP LOL. So, for yourself, always make verbal Herbal agreements that smell of honor. Not verbal Gerbil agreements that smell of a rat and keep you going round and round. Let your yea’s be yea’s and your nay’s be nay’s. So, that your yay’s can be yay’s! If, you get “talk to the hand”? It’s time to talk to the Man. There is one you can always trust with your verbal, Gerbil and Herbal agreements. To get you off the wheel, so you can heal. Though, I have to admit, some rats only deserve a “talk to the hand”. PIMP LOL. Nah. Forgiveness is for all. Oh! One last joke? Great minds think alike. Great minds on facebook think a "like". PIMP LOL. Have an honorable and great day, mind you. Think before you like an agreement. Just my spin on the wheel of life, on the wheel of facebook. That's how I roll! And, spin. Song for this story? "The Wheels Of Life" by one of my alltime fave guys, Gino Vannelli. Take a chance and listen to the song in the 1st comment! SIGNED, The Fluster In The Truster

Monday, October 7, 2013


“KNEEALIZING!” What? So, I dug these Jean heels from way back out of my closet to sing in last night because I knew they would so go with some jean fingerless gloves with ruffles that someone sent me along with several others. And, when I say way back, I don’t mean way back in the closet. I mean way way way back in time. When I worked at the Space Center and lived alone and, well, you get it. Still fit! Anyways, I realized why I hadn’t worn the jean heels in a while. They brought me to my knees. They still look good but man do they hurt. Because I wasn’t used to wearing them, they were uncomfortable. I also realized something else as I thought back over a few memories from over the years that have come back since my seizure. I realized that God has brought me through much since these shoes. Given me comfort in the uncomfortable. Given me blue skies in the blues. Even some of the memories were uncomfortable. And, realizing that? Brought me to my knees. I call it kneealizing. When you realize something and it brings you to your knees. Can be uncomfortable if you haven’t done it in a while, but sometimes, you must get a li’l uncomfortable to get comfort and able to go on. Some of my other comforts? I love the color blue, love singing the Blues and I love blue jean anything. What’s your comfort? Signed, Singing The Blues, Wearing The Blues & Writing To Amuse


'WALKING DEAD! OR ALIVE!" What? So, I watched so many Walking Dead this week while sick with my tooth and other stuff, that when I woke up in the middle of the night last with a fever and the AC wasn’t working? I felt like a zombie myself and half expected to see one lurking in the next room. Or, in the mirror. I did manage to go back to sleep with a splitting headache (better than a split head) so I’m not walking dead today. Just look it. PIMP LOL. What? That’s how they killed them! Split their head! Oh! And, we reset the high pressure switch on the AC and hit the breaker and it seems to be cooling the hot house now. We get a lot of brown outs here in PSJ. I think it’s the zombies at FPL who do all the pricing. DUH LOL. Anyways, i forgot to mention the 1st thing I did. Pray. That's how I walk around alive! Have a fun weekend. SIGNED, The Zombie In The Mombie

Picking Tasteful Words!

“Picking Tasteful Words!” What? So, I am so daring I layer 3 diff lip stains just to get the color I want. Yes, my lips are stained. But, not with colorful words. PIMP LOL. Well, yes, with colorful words. Just not the abjective or the objective ones aimed at bringing down to the gutter. Rather, the adjective ones that require using the heart. Subjective to thought! A long time ago, I had a nastay mouth. Cursing was 2nd nature. Now? Don’t know what all the fuss is over cuss. Curse just makes things worse. Not my nature. Not stained anymore. Just my lips. Oh! And, maybe my hair. PIMP LOL. Yep. I dare to be tasteful. With my mouth, too. DUH LOL. Have a fun day. Pick your words wisely. Tastefully. 'tis good to be picky about your lip stains and your words. If I'm gonna stain my lips, it's gonna be with pretty colors of lip stain and tasteful words. Anyways, got up very late and sick but must have needed the rest. Must get a few things accomplished. Now, to see what's wrong with the AC or is it fever? In either case? I will try to remain tasteful! TNT LOL. Signed, My Flip On Lip

Paint 'til Ya Faint!

"Paint 'til Ya Faint!" So, I had high hopes of paintin’ the town today and raising the flag of fun. Had to settle for painting the mailbox and raising the flag of “there’s mail in me”! To the letter. PIMP LOL. Used the leftover house paint. Though the top looks black, it’s dark brown. Now, I just need to get some green and red paint to put vines and roses on the numbers and down the wood. And, put some rocks and plants around it. Another day. You just know I gotta rock it! In the meantime I put my Grandma's Christmas tree red bird she gave me before she went to heaven to watch over it and protect it from the hoodlums who smashed it. he is glued to his seat. Literally! And, he poops on anyone who misuses it. PIMP LOL. Anyways, hoping these fixed up pieces of our mailbox lasts a while. We’ve been smashed 6 times by those who know no respect. Have a fun day. Blow someone away. Send them a note or card. Raise their flag of hope. Never faint in doing the quaint. Show some respect. Oh! And, you just know I needed a little convincing to get this part of the job done today, so I turned on my boom box and played me some Vince Gill. He con”Vince”d me! We all need a li’l convincing to do something, sometimes. The rest will have to wait for another day. Because I need some rest, now. Oh! It was very hot, but there was a great breeze as you can see in one of the shots of me taking my tired butt in to wash up the paint brushes. And, yes. I painted the screws and flag to match. Details… Makin' do... Signed, The Quaint In The Saint With The Paint Ain’t Gonna Faint (at least 'til I get in the house cuz I got a reputation to uphold)

His Canvas...

Knowing that this whole world is His canvas that He paints with His hands makes it "easel"ier to be hue-man. The photodrama is a shot I got one Friday evening. No paint or editing necessary. The other shot, I added hues of paint, of course, to show soul, but the shot itself is from singing one of our songs on Easter at church. The color in my cheeks and soul are real. PIMP LOL. So, whatever hue do? Be real. Be hue! Do everything with hue! Because what’s inside you? Your hue? Is what makes you huenique! Let us be us and God be God. Hue know what I mean! PIMP LOL DUH LOL. Signed, I’m Only Hueman

Here are the 2 links to our 2 versions of that song we did: the studio full band and the jam minus drums version:

The Cook With The Hook!

Making someone laugh and making someone an omelette is the same for this cook. I start by cracking up a few good eggs, stirring things up a bit, throwing in some cheese, hamming it up and serving it up hot with a grain of salt. Have a fun, hopeful day. Whether you make someone laugh or make someone some food, it’s ultimately food for the soul. Yours and theirs. And, we all season our soul food in our own way. So, don’t be afraid to cook. For everything, there is a season. Omelette you go... SIGNED, The Cook With The Hook

Homemade Humor!

So, I've had 3 launches of 3 diff back scrubbers in less than 3 months. All 3 launches? Scrubbed! PIMP LOL. But, not because they scrubbed the back. No. The first 1 cracked in 34 seconds. 1 was too soft and 1 had faulty parts. Guess you COULD say that I had "lift off" with each one. Lift off the back. PIMP LOL. Signed, The Ex Space Shuttle Employee Looking For Best Back Scrubber To Enjoyee 

If sheep were closed caption writers… When a sheep heard something repetitive they’d type/translate blaah blaah blaah. When a sheep heard something revolting, it would just bleat it out! PIMP LOL. Okay. Not another peep outta me. Signed, The Peep In The Sheep 

My Girl!

I needed a smile this morning so and she gave me one in a flash. Oh snap! And, I framed it! And, she was just telling me she got an A on her English paper for "All's Quiet..." I told her she was amazing and that I love A's. And, I love U's! PIMP LOL. Yep! Nothin' like a smile. A real one. No phony bologney ones. Have a wonderful day and smile. Off to go visit and feed at my front porch b'log. Yes! There's actually folks who stop by and are hungry for my b'logna. Stop by! I'll feed you some humor and hope and lots of b'logna at my front porch b'log! Some hot stories, but no phony stuff. All authentic. Maybe a li’l eccentric. And, eclectic. Even, electric. But, not phony! No phony bologney. Just my bologney! PIMP LOL. And, I’ll leave you with a smile. Like she does me… So, stop by and make me smile by following me there. Hot food. For the soul. Signed, The Pile Of Hot B’logney From The Smile Of The Not Phony! Writer!

My Velvet Victorian Vox Vamp Chair!

So, it turns out my sissy Voluptuous Velvet Victorian Vox Vamp chair is the perfect chair for playing video games, victoriously! I tried to tell them for years why I loved it. Makes me feel victorious just sittin’ in it. I guess it's now the Voluptuous Velvet Victorian Vox Vamp & Video Game Chair. Never say never. Or, sissy. Turns out it has the 3 necessary draws: comfortable cushiony seat, supportive back and decadently decorative curvy rosey style. Sissy? I think not! Desperation and broken chairs call for desperate measures and sissy chairs. That’s when you find the treasures and the flairs! Like my sissy VVVV chair. Now, the VVVVVG chair. Have a victorious day. My Victory is in God with Whom I find treasure. And, flair! SIGNED, The Velvet Victorian


“GLOVE LOVE” So, I just got some brown leather fingerless gloves from a YouTube friend of our bands in the mail. Love them. Love the gloves, too! Stiff right now, but pretty soon they’ll be just like me. Tough as leather, but soft. Worn and weathered, but someone you can count on for a hand! PIMP LOL. Course, they'd both have fingerless gloves on them. Or, Handerpants. I’d even give you the shirt off my back. Well, my saying is: I'd give you the fingerless gloves right off my hands. For real! I’ve given away tons of my gloves to young girls. To show them some love back when they’ve come up on stage to show me some. Show some love. Give someone a hand. Preferably with a fingerless glove on it. DUH LOL. Oh! And, today's def needed surprise reminded me of another friend on YouTube that used to send me gloves. She went on to heaven last year and I miss her... Susan... See you again one day. Signed, The Loved Is Gloved

The Can’t Nots Have It Over The Can Knots!

Find out what it is you can’t NOT do no matter what or who woos you into feeling that you can not. You may get butterflies in your gut with the first, but it beats knots in your stomach with the second. I’d rather have butterflies with the can’t NOTS than knots with the can nots. It takes a lot of guts to stomach the woo’s, but you’ll end up with a lot more woo-hoo’s! And, those butterflies that were in the gut? I have a gut feeling, they will be free! Signed, The Can’t Nots Have It Over The Can Knots

Corner Your Pain! By Turning UP The Corners Of Your Mouth!

This week, the tooth that broke last year, broke yet again. So the roof plate of my mouth is in a-gone-y. And, also this week, my fave antique Victorian plate broke. Neither is fixable and I don’t know which plate hurt me worse? Um…just joking. And, no!! I wasn't chewing on the plate when they both broke! What? Gotta find humor in plate pain. Gotta find the crack-up in the cracked up. Taking my pieces to the broker of peace to get peaces. To get fixed. Have a peaceful weekend. And, yes, I crack myself up from time to time. Keeps me from cracking up! Most of the time. And, you know? The crack you make with your smile? Lets out the cracks hiding inside you! Corner them! Because those cracks inside hurt us. Corner those cracks. By turning up the corners of your mouth. Smile! It only hurts at first. Have a weekend of cracking up. In a good way. And, no worries 'bout me. Still gonna smile. I got pain cornered! By turning up the corner of my mouth. Even if it is only one corner and only slightly! PIMP LOL. They'll both be turned up soon. Turn up your smile. It may turn down someone's pain. Even, your own... Yes. Life goes on. But, sometimes it's like pulling teeth to find the whoa in the woe. PIMP LOL. Signed, The Cracks That Show Let Out The Cracks That Blow

CUTTIN’ A RUG can get ya in a "pile" of trouble!

“CUTTIN’ A RUG can get ya in a "pile" of trouble! What? So, I am washing all my throw rugs today and trimming the rough edges off of them so they will be good for another year. Gotta keep busy with a toothache. What? Did you think I was doing? Cuttin’ a rug, as in dancin’? Well, I do that, and by the looks of some of my rugs, they bear the results. But, no dancing today. Mainly because pain has worn me down, but mainly because if I play music to dance, I will want to sing. And, my mouth won’t like that. Anyways, I have to cut the rough off of the throw rugs from all those other days of CUTTIN’ A RUG. Ironic. Oh! And, you know that old saying “snug as a bug in a rug”? Well, that bug who’s so snug in the rug? Is in a “pile” of trouble ‘round here today. He must be in one of my more thicker piled throw rugs. PIMP LOL. So, go ahead and cut a rug today. And, fix up an old rug or something to make it last longer. That’ll give you something to dance about. I’m hoping for some rain and my tooth to be better so I can get some snug as a bug in a rug today. Because I so need to cut a rug this weekend. Cuz, when you’re in the throws of things? Cut a rug! SIGNED, The Cutter In The Mudder Is Workin' Thru The Pain

"Pits” Stops!

“Pits” Stops! What? So, Y does wear and tear turn into wearY and tearY? Because, when we tread upon life’s road race, blowouts happen. I know. It’s the pits. We try to make repairs, alone. On the side of the road. Or, we just keep runnin’! When we should be making a pit stop. Taking our worn out treads and tires to the One who never tires or grows weary of doing good in those pit stops. How often would you stop for maintenance from the main Mechanic if life was never the pits? I’m not saying I like it at all. No. I may spend too much time making pits stops, but it keeps me on the road. In the race. And, if you keep a good relationship with Him when you’re on the road? You’ll find yourself turning in the pit stops with much more speed during the pits. That’s a good “need for speed”! PIMP LOL. And, never weary of doing good. That’s straight from the Master Mechanic! Yes, I've been rebuilt. And, I am still being rebuilt! By the Master Mechanic... I'm thinking I need some replacement parts, soon. PIMP LOL. Okay, so to end my story, just want to say to keep racing! And share this song and video of ours about being on the road of life. Sometimes, you just gotta stop running and make a “pits” stop. Stop the link at our pits stop. Would I ever steer you wrong? Oh! And, I just happened to think of a second story that goes with cars, etc. So, here goes: I don’t wear much foundation or makeup. I need to and would love to find some that I feel comfy in. So, the other day, I ran across a make-up powder that says it has primer right in it! Now, THAT caught my attention. Cuz, us spirits with older vehicles to ride in, may have gotten banged up a bit over the our driven years and in need of primer before we put on the new coat of paint. PIMP LOL. Have a fun night. I know our Main Foundation is in us, firmly. But, I am so gonna try this powder foundation for ON me. Primerarily for my benefit. But, also for yours. TNT LOL SILENT LOL. Yep! Gonna paint the town. Well, my face! Signed, Primerarily & Firmly Foundationed, The Racer In The Tracer So here's the song and vid for this story and our newest and it won $100 Amazon card, Yay! Thankful, Come in handy for Christmas,


OhMamaCare! It's My Bag!” What? Oh Mama! I‘ve had a toothache and some bug and other health malfunctions lately and my family, too. Good thing they’re all covered under my “OhMamaCare”! I wouldn’t want a penalty for not having any healthcare. With OhMamaCare there is no waiting for an appt., no paperwork and it’s all done with house calls. The way healthcare should be. I mean, who wants to go to the Dr. when you’re sick? Mama’s make good nurses, so why not Dr.’s, too? Yep. Dr. Mama cares! And, best of all? Mama’s won’t charge you and an arm and a leg to make your arm or your leg feel better. Mama’s insurance is “Oh so soothing”. She’s got a lot of tricks in her bag. It's her bag to care and be tender and loving. Not much out-of-pocket. Mostly out-of-apron! She listens and she loves to hear “Oh Mama! That feels so much better. Great bedside manner. She even makes the bed up for you. PIMP LOL. OhMamaCare! Get it today. Because healthcare can be so taxing. DUH LOL. Have a soothing day. Show your Mama some love. I gotta go make a house call now. BTW, OhMamaCare Dr.'s all go to the same school for their healing and caring techniques. They learn from the Master Healer and Lover Of Souls. ObamaCare, OhDramaCare or OhMamaCare? No penalties for reading... PIMP LOL. Signed, Aware Of The Care& The Doc Mama In The Rock Mama


“CHOPS & CHOPPERS! AND, SINGING' THE BLUES!” So, I tried practicing my singing chops using only 1 side of my mouth and face because my toothache has taken over my ear and sinus. So, in the awkward process of practicing (which didn't last long), I’ve come up with a new singing voice. I call it “mad chops with bad choppers”! PIMP LOL. Maybe I could use it to try out in the next Zombie movie. What? It’s hard to practice your blues singing chops when your choppers are singing the blues. I think I’ll let them sing tonight! But, you’d be surprised how we can adjust our style to live with our aches and pains when we give our aches, our pains, and our style to the Maker of chops. And, choppers. He helps us remember our hopes and dreams in the midst of pain and nightmares. He is the Maker of hopes and dreams. Meantime? I leave you with this song about just that. Hopes and dreams. So, don’t give up. Even when your choppers get in the way of your chops. Signed, The Vocalist With The Joke List

Keeping My Head By Holding My Head UP!!!

After watching World War Z yesterday and being that Fall is here and it's that time of year, I ask you to hold your head up! In a whole different way. PIMP LOL. Cuz, no matter how bad things look, you get a better view! Have a fun day. Find the humor in the horror. Signed, Keeping My Head To Stay Ahead

A Pair Of Docs Paradox!

When I take off my contacts and glasses, I find myself in a paradox. I feel old because I can't see anything. And, I feel young because I can't see anything! Of myself. So, my heart sees for me. And, it always sees young! PIMP LOL. Maybe I need a pair-of-docs for my paradox. Signed, Seeing Can Be Freeing?

Saturday Nights!

This place where we play on Saturdays? The head boss guy lets us out to party down there and improv a bit. And, improve a bit, too! PIMP LOL. He’s brave and He loves us. I’ve got to hand it to Him! He knows how to fill us with music. Oh! And, the drummer’s hidden behind the bass playa just in case things get out of hand. PIMP LOL. What? We’ve seen a stick or two flying out of his hands. And, I’ve been known to drop a dance or two while holding my mic in hand. And, that guitar player’s hands go all out, too. Yes. Things DO get out of hand! And, into the heart and soul. Because music sets the stage. And, the stage sets the music. But, God sets the heart and soul. Have a dancing day. Off to work on our own original set of music, now. I hope things get out of hand. And, into the heart and soul. Oh! And, would someone please do my hair that color. I like the way the lights made it look. Sort of purple red velvet brown. Signed, The Winger In The Singer

Broom Tricks!

I WAS sweeping off the porch, but then I got to thinking… Halloween isn’t far away. I better practice my “other” broom tricks. PIMP LOL. Just some horrible horror humor. Have a fine, fun night. Sweep someone off their feet! Warts and all. Cuz, we all got 'em. Signed, The Creeper In The Sweeper Looks Deeper