Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Just out in the back yard with my painted rose basket cleaning up a little bit more. Mainly just getting fresh air. Cooler out today. So, of course, I take advantage of the few cool days in Florida by wearing one of my crocheted hatbands. Today it is my chocolate brown one with roses and fingerless gloves to match. Anyways, we cleared and cleaned and chopped and trimmed a lot over the summer and kind of made a pretty little spot of small new tree sprouts and bougans and such for me to relax in when I am a basket case. I can see the rain tree over top of all of these in a few years. I need a bench out here so bad. Or, wicker furniture. But, since they don’t grow on trees? A blanket will do. When you’re getting close to being a basket case? Don’t be a wet blanket. Find ya a blanket and a quiet place. And, bask in the quiet. And, when you leave? Leave the basket case behind. Keep ya from being one. A basket case. And, a behind. PIMP LOL. Signed, She’s Basking In Case She‘s A Basket Case


So, I just had to make a frantic run to the grocery store for pudding and Cheer detergent. Seems the Halls were still holding a grudge from when our group of carolers went out years ago and were outside scream singing "Bring us some friggin’ pudding and a cup of good Cheer” Over and over. Apparently the Halls were still mad about being decked and had ideas of pudding running through their heads. Or, ON someone’s friggin’ heads. Guess the Cheer was for after. You know? To clean up the mess. Never heard that story? Well, here it is. So, who doesn’t like to go caroling around the neighborhood! Like I said, a few years back we did just that. We started out with "Deck The Halls". How was I to know the first house of neighbors name WAS “The Halls”, and that Joe would actually deck them. Joe got mad when he thought we were telling him to put on Don's clothes because his own apparel was gay. Which they certainly WERE very happy joyous clothes. He just didn't get it. And, by the time we got to the “Boughs” house next door? Well, let’s just say, “Berry strange doesn’t cover it”! Mr. Bough had hung his wife Holly on the front door and called her Wreath-a. He thought she was calling him an ancient troll. The nerve! And, to top it off? Yul? Well, he was all decorated with flashing lights and caught himself on fire. We def saw the blazing Yul before us! We had to put him out and then get fa la la away! Lesson? Never underestimate the power of interpretation. The next time we attempt caroling? We’re singing “Silent Night”! I love you guys. You sleigh me! Don’t hold a grudge. Hold a tune. If you feel like you have to deck? Pow instead! Pow-wow! Have a pow-wow and fix it. If you can't? Have a pow-wow with God. Wow! Makes sense to me. But, then, I'm lost in fa lala land. Signed, She Finds The Jolly In The Folly Cuz She's Got Pow Wow

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Last evening I dropped my bottle of homemade sticky fingers bbq on the kitchen rug shown in this photo. It bounced and splattered teeny drips. And, on this rug, it is impossible to spot red sauce. So, I had to just wipe it up as I um...stuck to it! Think I'll rename it sticky feet bbq sauce! By the time I finished walking through the kitchen last evening and cooking breakfast this morning, I think I found every drip and scrubbed them up. How? By sticking to it. In more ways than one. PIMP LOL. Have a fun day. When life hands you sticky situations, stay on your toes! And, stick with it. Put one sticky foot in front of the other. And, be thankful you feel and think. Because, sometimes we can't see what's right in front of us. God gave us emotions. Common to all. And, God gave us common sense. We commonly ignore. Signed, She "Feet"ures Sticky Sits

Monday, December 7, 2015

My Stamp Of Disposal!

I was cleaning out a drawer looking for an envelope to mail a letter when I found an old journal from forever ago. It had some scary health memories in it and other thoughts. At the time, I needed to write it down to get it out of my head and bones. That was the write thing to do, then. But now? The right thing is to forget. Throw away. So, I was throwing it away when out fell a whole set of Forever stamps. Good thing they are good for um...forever. Sometimes, you gain by getting rid of. Sometimes, disposal gets my stamp of approval. Got me thinking... Forget enough so’s one day you don’t find yourself to be bearing a grudge. Remember enough so’s one day you don’t find yourself to be bare. But the naked truth is? Always forgive. It bears repeating. Always forgive. For it gives health to your bones. Wear truth. Wear love. Wear wisdom. And, you won’t ever be bare. Naked. Signed, She Barely Makes No Bones About It

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


I opened the windows and turned on the fans and then we went for a walk. It is so still out. How still? I asked our neighbors to walk by our house. Just to blow a breeze. Better yet drive past! Still, no complaints. I wanted fresh air. Just cooler and windier air. Fans'll do til front pushes through. But, I like both the thrill of the still. And, the agony of the wind? PIMP LOL. Oh, my. My mind just went down so many roads. Well, off to cook bacon. Having breakfast for supper. Oh. And, the photograph? Our cottage. Signed, She's Colder Now And Still Punnin' Against The Wind (Thank you, Bob Seger, for your wonderful song)

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Window To The Soul & Door To The Heart

I always leave the window to my soul cracked a bit and close by the bed. For when the little kid in me gets out through the holes in my fingerless gloves for some fun. And needs a way back in to rest. What? You look thru that window or come in the door to my heart or window to my mind for a visit. Or, follow that kid in me. Either way? You def will need a rest, too. I rest my case. Have an open day. Gotta leave a way in. So's others can love you. And, the kid in you can get some fun time and rest. Signed, Her Soul... An Open And Shut Place.

Monday, November 16, 2015

The Bark Of The Wind!

Been quite winded these past weeks and have felt like I was running against the wind. So, when I finally got out of the house to the store, wind in my face, how much more a breath of fresh air it was to hear "Against The Wind" by Bob Seger on the radio. Followed by "Turn The Page". 2 faves. Boy, did I need that. In a flash, I was young again racing around singing at the top of my lungs, hair blowing out the open windows of my Camaro. And, I was tonight. I needed that push to sing again. My ears and head and lungs are still stuffed a bit, but for those minutes, it was like the dry bark of sickness and life were slowly peeling back to reveal the face of my soul. That is why music is my medicine. Especially when I'm older. And running against the wind. Yes. Music has its uh...peel. Signed, She Peels Her Wheels While The Music Peels The Bark

Friday, November 6, 2015


Some live in the past, what they've lived. Some live in the psst. What they've heard. Others live in the post. What they've posted and see posted on the internet. Many live in the p!ssed. What anger they've held on to. A few? In the pest. What they can do to bug and hurt others. And, even some? In the pioust. What they think of themselves. Holier than the rest. Where should we live? I think In the peaced. Signed, She's A Werd Nerd

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Itched In Stone?

Title of this photograph drama: Itched In Stone. What? I'm itching to rock. In a gravel-y voice. Signed, She Chiseling Out at

Monday, October 19, 2015

Lettuce Be Foxy!

What other brand of lettuce would a mature woman buy just because of its name? What? In my day fox-ay was in. But, that's what I get for trying to be clever. Def not as good looking in the inside as it was on the outside when we got it home. Have a fun night. Being foxy on the outside is fly, but being foxy on the inside is sly. My translation of a godly woman. Lettuce not grow weary in being foxy. Inside and out. Signed, She's Got Moxey To Be Foxy

Window Silly!

Transparency... Can be a genuinely beautiful hueman trait. Signed, She's Jus' Bein' Window Silly

Digging Deep!

Sometimes, you gotta dig deep to stay grounded. And, sometimes, you dig deep to find common ground. Dig? Getting dirty is part of life. Spreading dirt is part of strife. Dirt can heal. Working hard does that. And, dirt can hurt. Gossiping hard does that. Signed, She Cleans Up On Dirty Posts

Friday, October 2, 2015


Jus' one of those days I could so go for an escape to that place called Childhood, and go for a sleigh ride or tricycling. I keep these little replica reminders in my bathroom centerpiece in front of the mirror to remind me to reflect ev'ry now again on fun. I, occasionally, get too caught up in pain with my health issues and need to daily be reminded I am still God's child and he has not abandoned me and loves to watch me play and hurts when I hurt. Just as this Mama would never abandon my girl and always watched her play or, most times? Played with her. Course, when I was a child, I was too grown up and senstive and worried about grown up things. I didn't know Jesus then, but I knew I was unusual and not alone somehow. So, even though today is a tough one, I shall try cycling through it. And, looking for the humor to sleigh me. You do the same. Yes, I sigh, sometimes. And, get quiet and tired. But, I am cool as long I remember I am not abandoned. Oh. And, speaking of playing and fun? Taking longer then we thought to finish our new song. Things have been just too serious in our life. And, I was getting so serious about the song I forgot to let God back in on it. Seriously? But, He did not abandon us. He was watching us trying to cycle through recording and, all the while, waiting to be invited to play, as we usually do. Oops. Yes, indeed. Life got too worrisome. Sigh. But, writing this story is helping me to get back on the sleigh after falling off and try cycling again. Cool! Signed, Her Life Goes In Sigh Cools

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Flashing Back At My Far Out Life, So Far! In A Flash!

As I was remembering back on this day 9/11 and a friend's passing, I was at both places in a flash and then I was reminded of personal events that flashed through my mind. That take me back in a flash. So, here we go... I have been in the driver's seat of the Space Shuttle Columbia, a monster truck, a 750 Virago Motorcycle AND a 455 Trans-Am. One was sitting still, one was going 25 mph, one was going 55 AND one 125. I learned to ride a tricycle AND I learned how to ride a motorcycle. I went to the races every week and watched them go round and round, AND I raced my Camaro around every day. I learned to be a pool shark AND I swam in a pool and an ocean with sharks. I have been in a Mexican Jail when I was young, AND I have been in the oldest American Jail In St. Augustine. I have been in the big house and I have a place in God's Big House. I have gracefully received a Silver Snoopy AND I had a black pet pig named Grace. I lived in a 105 year old country house AND a brand new apartment #1 in the city. I have built kingly snowmen AND I have built snowy sand castles. I have lived alone AND I have lived with others. I have been single 20 some years AND I have been married 20 and then some years. I have taught Children's church AND been churched by children. I have been a church Treasurer AND I have treasured God's church. It's no secret I have performed concerts and sang with my daughter, AND I have been to many concerts and secretly sang along. I have sang lead AND I have sang backup. I have sang on the spur of the moment AND I have been spurred along to prepare. I have saved a baby's precious life AND I have felt like a baby needing precious saving. I have visited in the hospital AND I have been visited. I have been hit by a drunk driver totaling my Camaro because of a drunk's bad driving, AND I have been in a plane that did a crash landing in a snow bank because of totally bad weather. I have sang on stage before a "live" audience AND in prisons before a captive audience. I have overcome drugs and alcohol in my life, AND I have been overcome by a rare disease that took my stomach and almost took my life. I lost a stomach, found guts. I have sewn shredded clothes AND I have shredded on guitar, sew-sew. I have been in a scary flood in Pennsylvania and saw bodies pass us by, AND I have been in the eye of a scary hurricane in Florida when the eye passed over us. I have been a healthy strong gymnast machine AND I have been on machines to keep me alive. I have won a school spelling bee against head teachers AND I have been stung by bees that swelled my hands the size of my head. I have been on TV in a crocheted bikini AND on the radio in a well knit band. I have held my baby in her first moments AND I have let go so she could make her own moments. I have been lost AND I have been found. I have felt the pain of broken bones AND I have felt the joy of mended hearts. I have been on the Gettysburg Battlefields in new boots and I am still wearing out these, now old, boots on life's battlefields. Making new flash backs. Signed, She Doesn't Bat A Lash When She Shares Her Flash

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Freeing Albums! For The Record? They Are Free!

Many of you read about our bank info being stolen by thugs who had no right to take what's not theirs. It is indeed hard to go about daily life without a care when there is much to burden us, but we cast our cares upon God. Else we feel crushed. So, to help us feel carefree and uncrushed, we’re celebrating trust, hard work, excellence and honesty by giving away both our albums freely this month whilst we work on new material. It's our right and desire to give. Some only know how to take. I can only hope they'd freely take our albums and be changed from the music and I can only hope the rest of you take, enjoy and feel uncrushed, unencumbered by life’s cares through the music. Else I'll be crushed. Stop by. Get music that frees. For free. It's worth it. It’s a steal! I am so listening to our 2 albums. I'm obliged to say that I needed a reminder to keep doing what frees me. Here is the link to get if now! the b.a.s.i.c. band's albums free this month Signed, She's Free As A Bird With Words


"THE EARLY BIRD, A CAN OF WORMS & NAY BORING!" So, yes. The early bird gets the worm. And, on occasion? The whole can of worms! PIMP LOL. Went out on the porch and found a beautiful chocolate brown dead birdie and a million ants. Looked like a battlefield on my porch this crack of dawn. My neighbor Tom was walking his dogs and, me being neighborly, said good morning and told him what we found and that Sam was already gone to work. So, he being neighborly, offered to help. Of course, I said yay! I think that this dead early bird def got a worm and then a cat got him. Yep. Being neighborly... Opens you up to a lot of things. Sometimes, even a can of worms. But, always be open to it, anyways. And, saying yes when someone offers help can be hard, sometimes, but blesses both. Because being neighborly is like taking a chance on the 2 birds in the bush stead of the one in the hand. Yes, you got yourself and fam, but looking beyond your nest is fly. Being neighborly doesn't mean hiding behind the bush. PIMP LOL. Staying out of each other's lives? Nay! Boring! Have a neighboring day. Love your neighbor as yourself. I'm off to clean off my porch and ants. Winging it! Oh. And, photograph? TBT. My old porch on my old river house. Had good neighbors there, also. Maybe just one creepy one who hid in the bushes. PIMP LOL. Signed, This Songbird Is Also An Aunt

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


She's so wild and crazy and off the hook! How off the hook? I use a crochet hook to lace up my boots! And, then I spin a good yarn about it! PIMP LOL. BTW? Listening with my girl to Fleetwood Mac's Go Your Own Way and Bad Company's Shooting Star. Wow! Took me back. I could spin a good yarn about those days. Enough to make a comforter for everyone. Have a comforting Tuesday. Oh. And, the photograph? THOSE days I could spin a yarn about. Glad my old 69 Camaro ain't talkin' 'bout the 70's and 80's! But, I sometimes wish I could take it for a spin. Spin around town, that is. Not spin around yarn. Did I ever spin out in it? Only a couple times. PIMP LOL. Life is a race. Take a spin. Stay on track. SIGNED, Darn! Her Head Spins The Yarn!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Fountains Of Humor & Rumor

One of the questions I got at our music website recently was: So, rumor is that the guitar player and you are a husband and wife team? I answered: Most of the time one of us will admit that. Most times. PIMP LOL. What? Gotta have humor. It washes over everything. A kind word, a smile, a song or some funny-ness turns the tide. Quenches thirst. Like living water. And, one can't water down the value of Living Water to dry bones. A fountain of youth to all no matter what age. Have a fun day. Be the fountain. Don't water down love. Oh. And, the fountain I shot on our day trip to St. Augustine to visit our girl at Flagler College. Signed, She Hears Humor Drowns Out Rumor at

Friendz! To The Endz!

"FRIENDS" We all got some friends in common we could do better with or them with us. Like Grace. Sometimes we ignore her when we’re under pressure. And, Grant. Well, we take him for granted. Don’t faget about Frank. No wonder he doesn’t trust us. We’re never frank with him. Now, Bill? He’s never around when the other Bill comes. And, uh…Paul is quickly uhpauled when things get Harry. And, speaking from the top of my head? We all know of Hairy! Some of us more than others. Now, that’s Rich! No. Not that Rich. He’s got plenty of hair. Just ask Trace. She's got a trace of hair and flair. There's a Trace of that in us all. And, now Rosey? Everyone’s jealous of her cuz she always comes out smelling like a rose because she shows beauty in the pain. And, we all know that stems from a thorn in her side. And, we all know lots of others. And, for the most part we be lovin’ our friends. We don’t take them for granted and we show grace when they pressure us or are frank with us. But, love is heart wrenching, sometimes. My friend Hugh, more, or less, knows that Hugh-more helps. Hu-go now, I’m done. Signed, She Slays With Names When She Plays The Games

Monday, July 13, 2015


"CUSTOMIZING COSTUMES. CUZ-TO-ME It'll COST-U-ME If we don't!" What? I was thinking how It is so much easier to settle back into what you are accustomed to even when you know it's just not good for you. Anymore. Or, never was. Human nature. Oh, indeed, it is a costume I have worn! But, we need not just settle. Time to throw out the plastic costume of bad habits so easily worn. Time to customize your new costume. Oh it's going to be tough. And, you may sweat bullets from doing the right thing when no one's looking but God. But, at least no sweaty plastic mask of hidden shame. If you gotta have secrets, let them be heroic not horrific. I've grown accustomed to God being in my whole life cus-to-me? It COST-U-ME to not. Costumes are more uncomfortable than being real. Masking our pain may seem easier but customizing our costume by throwing out the plastic sweaty mask gives you a heroic countenance from God. A realness. Authenticity. And, that's all the costume you need. Oh. And, the photograph? It is a mask on a wall in a bathroom at a restaurant in St. Augustine last year when we went up for the day to visit our daughter at Flagler College. Signed, She's Throwing It Out There

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Mad-as-sin or Medicine?

“Mad-as-sin or Medicine?” A few years back I was on medicine to “keep me alive” after they saved my life and removed most of my stomach and other parts. Only thing was? I wasn’t really alive anymore. I felt like the medicine was more like mad-as-sin, for me. It was making me mad in the mind which made me mad as sin. What was keeping my body alive was making me feel dead. I couldn’t feel pain or fear, but I couldn’t feel God either. So, I quit. Docs weren’t happy, but I had to. I wasn’t happy on them. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen and I went thru horrible withdrawals for months and years of fighting, but what happened? Happy happened. Eventually. Slowly. Life starting coursing through my veins again. Instead of cussing through. It’s taken a long time to learn how to live without important parts of my body (still in that process), and even longer without drugs. But, I am so much more alive. I feel pain and I have hard times. But, thankful to know. Those times were tough and lonely, but God never abandoned me. So, yep. There’s a fine line. Between mad-as-sin or medicine. And, I know that lots of folks have to take it. But, for me? There was a fine line. And, it took God’s wisdom to know the diff between mad-as-sin and medicine. I’ve had to learn other ways of natural meds like foods and music and rest and prayer and laughter. I might still be mad in the head but I’m not mad in the heart. The photograph? Us doing medicine. Signed, She’s Mad As A Hatter & Never Gladder

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Essence of S’s I B! Not BS!

The Essence of S’s! Stuff I do every day to help me make sense of essentially everything. Not always in this order.

I Stroll
I Sing
I Scribble off the cuff
   (write on spur of the moment)
I Snap photomoments
   (to tell Stories for the eyes)
I Sow in my gardens and life
I See and Seek God in everything
I Study my bible
I Smile
I Split my sides
   (put myself in Stitches often)
I Soft Spot (love on)
I Stir (food)
I Stir (souls)
I Sit
I Sleep

SIGNED, Her Essence B S's Not BS

Monday, June 15, 2015

Knock knock...

Well, you guys know by now that I have knock knock jokes. Well here's a knock knock song. Hope it's a knockout!!! Of the ballpark! So here goes... Knock knock? WHO'S THERE? God. GOD? LEMME CLEAN THIS PLACE UP BEFORE I LET YOU IN. IT'S BEEN ABANDONED A LONG TIME. No. Invite me in. Abandoned heart cleanup is my specialty... God. Okay, guys, so here is the vid and song. Just knock, listen and watch and open the door... Knock here...

Monday, June 8, 2015

Patience! Takes the wait off!

Well, as you can see from the rain drops coming down from my porch roof, we finally got a little rain. Patience... Helps you reign in life and helps you wait for the reign. And, the rain. This calls for a chiller scary movie to chill out and enjoy some rain. I need it. Patience really is a virtue. It takes the weight off. And, it takes the wait off. Signed, She Can Reign In Her Pain

It's Rainier-ing Bing Cherries!

The next time I "suppose" something and someone says "bite your tongue!"? I will not be required by law to bite my tongue. I now have one credit in my "bite your tongue bank". I just did it accidentally eating bing cherries and Rainier cherries (my fave). Ouch! Where's the ice? Anyways, got me thinking about what we bring to the table of life. Table of music. I may not have a lot of bling to bring, but I got bing! PIMP LOL. But, seriously? We each have our own sweet bring. Have a fun day. It's a credit to you when you bite your tongue. Better to have numb tongue than dumb lips. And, it's a credit to you when you bring your own style. Your own sweet bing. Your own thing! That shines more than bling bling. Signed, Her Lips Are Sealed & Her Tongue Is Chealled

Monday, June 1, 2015

Life's Hiccups & Measuring Up Cups!

This fills my cup... And, reminds me to find joy and sing in all times and to measure up in all cups of our lives. Full cup, half full cup, empty cup and the ever lovin' hic-cup! PIMP LOL. When life hiccups, say exCU-U-use me! And, sing a measure. I don't know about you, but my cup, sometimes? Runneth in every direction! And, makes a mess. Haha. But, with Jesus? It def runneth over, thankfully. Signed, She Sings A Measure Into A Cup For The Pleasure Uninterrupt

On A Roll!

I interrupt your Monday with news straight from The Chamber Pot Newspaper. "Toilet paper rolls are now being manufactured 2 inches shorter. Consumers thought to not notice as much the ends shorter with the same amount of sheets on a roll." Wrong! Did they think we'd be so busy using this time to pray that we wouldn't notice? Sometimes, the ends don't justify the means. I means, come on! We all got ends. PIMP LOL. They used to fit the holders perfect. Isn't anything sacred? And, yes. The Chamber Pot Newspaper IS printed on toilet paper. At least in my imagination. Photograph? Toilet paper Album art in our music room. And, BTW? Toilet paper rolls been the same for many moons! And, while some stand up, not all are standup. In Chamber rooms or any room. Have an awesome day. Be standup. Signed, When She's On A Roll She Cracks You Up

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Shoveling My Dirt!

What do you get when a shovel snaps? A shovel who can't handle anything. PIMP LOL. Yep. We best be careful not to snap lest we can't handle anything. Specially when we be shoveling it! Dig? K. Have a fun Monday night. Thanks for digging my shovels of humor and hope and harmony. You gotta get dirty to stay grounded. You gotta pray to handle life. Give God all your dirt. He CAN handle it. No surprise to him what we sometimes shovel. If you're shoveling dirt? Let there be a hole in the ground left from it, and beads of sweat. Not a gaping hole in others mouths from dropping, and beads of tears. Get a handle on what life shovels. Photograph of snapped shovel courtesy of my hard work. But! I did not snap. I handled it. Courtesy of God's grace. Signed, She's A Tool & She Digs Shoveling Dirt


Sometimes, in our mind, the wheels stop turning. They seem to get stuck. On the fence. In between decisions. PIMP LOL. That's when it's time to take a bike ride, clear the mind, and get those wheels turning. It's all about perspoketive. You see things diff riding a bike, freeing the mind. Music does that, too. Prayin', too. Oh. And, if you are a Star Trek fan, you may have an even diff perSpocktive. Wheely! Signed, She Takes Her Ride In Stride

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Cold Hearts In Deep Freeze!

I now know what becomes of a plastic hanger when left in the deep freeze. How? Well, I was getting something out of it and had a plastic hanger in my hand and laid it down and forgot about it. When I went back the next time to get something out? The hanger had cracked. Got me thinking… If we go hangering out around cold people or find ourselves in deep cold situations up to our neck, and act plastic we crack. But! If we are hangering around cold people or deep in sits, and we are real? Caring? We can melt the ice before we crack. Not always, but just saying. Being real can melt even the frozenest of hearts. Just as being plastic can freeze the softest of hearts. Deep! You just never know what someone may be up to their neck in and frozen in fear. Okay. When, it comes to cool? You can’t say I never laid it down. PIMP LOL. Have a cool day. Melt hearts. Go in deep! Signed, Her Heap O’ Cheese About The Deep Freeze

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Throne Rooms!

Yep. I admit I have gone to the throne room of God via the other throne room. Of odd! Just sayin'. On more than 1 OKsion. Might not seem high and mighty but it is private and humbling. What? God magnificently and humorously designed us, not me. I'm OK with that. Besides, I don't like to waste time and praying helps you not to have potty mouth. PIMP POL. The throne room. The great equalizer. Both! Cuz we all gotta go there. Yep. I went there! Both throne rooms help in figuring things out. 'Specially when you got nothing else to go on. Signed, Don't Give Her Grief 'bout Her Odd Belief


"IT’S UH…FAMILY UH…FAIR?” So, after talking to a dear friend about trouble in her family, I have come to this humorous conclusion that has nothing at all to do with my family. Just heart felt funny thoughts of relatives we shouldn't be: If you feel like an outlaw to your in-law or a bother to your brother or you get a sasster instead of your sister? Feel like a woof instead of a wife? A has-been 'stead of a husband? Smaller than an ant to your aunt or hear cussin’ stead of hearing from your cousin? Or get the cold shoulder from your chilled-dren? Gotta twist an ankle to hear from an Uncle? Feel like Mum’s the word with your Mom. Or, dead to your Dad? There’s always a fam member who is no farther than your time. Our Father. God. He won’t feel you’re a bother to ask or sass you for pouring your heart out nor curse you. Nor make you feel small. But! He won’t twist your ankle ‘til you say Uncle to spend time with Him. He likes real sons and daughters. Real fam. Not wooden puppets who care more about things than people. He’s only time away. And, I think He’d remind us all that we’re imperfect family members, too, and that Grace and Charity make the best relatives. We should always invite those 2 to all gatherings! In our fam and in our extended fams and all of God’s fam. Life isn’t always uh…fair, but it is always a family affair! Time and time again. Photo collage is shots from the sun dial frog fountain at the Ponce Deleon Dorm/former hotel at Flagler College in St. Augustine because I wanted a time photo. A spitting image of a clock to represent my story. Signed, It’s A Family Affair To Readily Care & Steadily Be There

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Old Rockers!

Old rockers. And, the loyal friends like Gibson that stand by them. PIMP LOL. If you're in tune with your friends needs and not just your own, you won't have to string them along or fret. Have a fun, fretless day! Signed, Life A"chord"ing To The Vox With The Jokes at

WBW! Way Back Whensday!

WBW! Way Back WhensDay. So, this was taken in the mountains in Texas way back when I was 17. I took a trip and drove this 455 TransAm across country from Cocoa Beach, Florida to see a friend going to college in New Mexico. Ended up in jail in Mexico trying to visit Texas via getting lost at the border. We were strip-searched for good reason and the car was taken over by sniff dogs. Having Florida tags in Mexico made us appesr to be drug dealers they said. Then, I was pulled over on the way home in Jackson County, Florida for going 125. He said, "We don't give tickets, we slap ya in jail for those speeds, but I'm impressed a little old girl like you is driving this baby. Are you the daddy of this race car?" I started balling and pointed in the passenger seat to my sleeping boyfriend, "No. He is! Please don't put me in jail!" Well, he gave me a ticket. That's all I will say. And, these are the only 2 parts of my month long trip that I can talk about. PIMP LOL. I learned alot. Have a fun day. Learn some thing new every single day of your life. Some things we learn on purpose. Some things we learn on ignorance. And, some? On stupidity. Did I mention I paid for a new AC in my boyfriends car? Before leaving. Upon arriving back home in Florida, he loved his AC more than me and I learned more about stupidity. Guess i wasn't as cool as the AC? Though, I did get to race a fine car. Anyways, I suppose and propose all learning has purpose. Keep traveling the road of life, learning... SIGNED, She Has Tips 'bout Trips

Being Boss Without Cost!

Hoping to kick a li'l boot today and get this day rockin'. PIMP LOL. Working tis good for the soul and bod. Whether physical, musical or accidentical. You don't have to be bossy to be boss! Be boss! As in cool! Kinda sounds like bouse! PIMP LOL. And, def not be chairman of the bored. Make it fun. Enjoy! Working side by side keeps from being a behind by thinking you're out front. Helping someone without pay doesn't make you better than others. Just a better person. It pays to help others freely. That's bouse! Being bouse don't cost ya a thang!  SIGNED, She's Boss Without Cost

Flock & Flick Or Flack?

Tuesday evenings at our home is Family Flock & Flick night! Our son comes for supper and a movie. And, next week at this time, we will have more of our Family Flock here for the Flick. We are going up to St. Augustine to bring our girl home for summer this weekend. Okay, now have a fun evening. Don't give anyone any flack. Make 'em feel part of your flock. He does. SIGNED, She Feeds The Flock That Rocks (and speaking of rock? Above is a brand new song clip and for the whole song listen or YouTube vid or album stop by my website at


In the game of fear, on the field of life, sometimes the best de"fence"? Is to get offdafence. When you finally find it more offence-ive being on the defence than the field? You win. Fear is a must for courage to show up on the field. Fear "must"ers up courage. My uniform? The full armor of God. Looks great on all the players. Classy. Have a fine Sunday. Whatever your fear? Off it. Offdafence it. Signed, She's Got Relentless Kneeing 'bout Not Being A Defenceless Being


Was talking to my Mom on the phone and afterwards I got to thinkin'... With all this texting, IMing and social media, people don't use the phone often as a phone. I like to hear a voice. A real one. I like to be real. Not a phony. But, a phone-y. Someone who still uses a phone to talk. I do like all the other uses. Jus' sayin'. We should still reach out and touch. With a phone call. Which I call phonificate! My phone etiquette? Keep it real. Whether social media, text or phonificating. Be a phone-y, not a phony. BTW? The photoghraph? It is an Eiffel phone. Some may call cell phones "The I Fool" phone because we fool them with our phony. PIMP LOL. Let's not. SIGNED, Her Bologney 'bout Da Phoney

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


The world says we're too old and don't fit the formula. What? I can't hear you, world. I'm making much too much noise drinking the real milk of faith, originality and music to suck up your formula! No formula for us. Doing your own thing doesn't always go down with some as smooth as silk and can cause burps, but it comes natural for us. Our formula? We never milk it! PIMP LOL. We aren't suck ups. To formula. Instead? We gulp the rich milk of authenticity. Though, we have had to suck it up before. Thank you for joining me in a silkie selfie encouragement here in Authenti City. Home to Where we keep it real. And, keep the real milk flowing. Signed, She Milks Her Clever Silks

Window Pains!

My writing and photographs and our music gives you guys a window to my soul. Windowsillies, grungy pains and all! BTW? We are pained when others look through and notice and we are equally pained when they don't look or notice. God always notices. Always sees through our pains of glass. Have a great week. Me? Working on a new song. It's a window of opportunity with pains of joy! PIMP LOL. Signed, Her Glass Soul Has Pains Of Joy

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Smiles & Thingisms!

The thing about things is that the things that used to be important? Become people. And, the things you do with them and for them that bring about a smile on their face or in their hearts. Or, both. That's my thingism for today, people. You may go back to doing your thing! Oh. And, BTW? I combined a few free software edits on this to get a mosaic feel. Another of my things. Signed, She Has A Thing For Most Ev'rything & A Thingism For How Things Is...mhmm

Monday, February 23, 2015

Door Jams!

Sometimes, we're just jamming along and life has a way of slamming us in the face. Doors close. Did you know that the doorjamb bears the weight of the door through it's hinges? So, abandon fear before you become unhinged and open a door for someone today. Let someone in. Real life hinges on whether we allow God to bear the weight. When you open that door, more doors open. Have yourself a jamming day. Signed, She Don't Slam The DoorJamb  

Monday, February 16, 2015

"Don't Be Afraid Of Uh... Frayed Remnants!"

"Don't Be Afraid Of Uh... Frayed Remnants!" So, I thought I'd take a walk to get some fresh air and sun and wind to fight the frayed remnants of this flu. Got to thinking... The tapestry of my life isn't just a frayed remnant, but rather frayed remnants tightly woven to make a unique story. Oh, there may be a few loose ends, but they are being mended. Have a fun, tight night. Don't be afrayed to display your uh...frayed remnants. Together, they make you uniquely beautiful. What keeps my my pieces tightly sewn? I see God's loving threads in every remnant of my life. My remnants are worn and transparently authentic. Though, today, I tried singing some with my blues grunge voice and just started coughing. Uh..frayed, I'm not physically ready, like my soul is. I so have missed singing these past 6 weeks. Words can't describe. A song could! Just sayin'. Well, I need to sing to be whole, but I can't sing because I'm not wholly well. Wholly moly! What is that called? Signed, Keeping It Real... Tight

Monday, February 9, 2015


So, I woke up to the sounds of a woodpecker, a dove and a whippoorwill (whip o' will). All early birds. I like being an early bird who gets the worm, but been sleeping a bit more being sick, so it was a treat, or should I say tweet, being up early, again. What did this say to me? Sometimes, you gotta keeping pecking away, sometimes you gotta whip your will into shape a bit, and sometimes you just gotta relax and keep your "coo"l. All to keep soaring. Especially when you're sore. Yep. We're still coughing, but starting to flap our wings and hope to be fly soon. Have a fun weekend. Don't open a can of worms. It's always too early for those kind of worms. Oh. And, the photograph? Um...this birdbrain ran outside to snap the birds, hit the wrong button and reversed the phone cam to selfie. In my defense? Still sick. Broken wings. Sore, but soaring? OK. Birdbrain. PIMP LOL. Oh. And, a bird joke. What did Robin tweet to Jay when he tweeted: Can I hang out at your house? Soar you can. Oh. And, yes. We do have a song for this called Elijah's Blues. Southern rock. Signed, She Coos The Blues And Wings Her Sings

Wheel Appeal!

"Wheel Appeal!" I can't race right now. In fact, I've been moving kind of slow for the past month with this flu stuff. But, still in the race. Just had to make a pit stop. Truly the pits! PIMP LOL. So, I pulled out my old photograph of my '69 Camaro I got in the 80's to remind me I can still find my pace in the race! I traded it in for a truck to haul equipment for our band at the time. I used to race around all night singing in it. My free safe zone. And, right now we are playing and singing along with Brown Eyed Girl and other tunes while I post this. Jamming to anything is our free zone. Being real! And, God gives us the freedom to be real. Nope. Still not doing 360's or peelouts, but I'm driven. My gas? Hope, faith and love. If you want to appeal to others? Be wheel. I mean real. And, uh, peel out. I mean uh...peel off! The unreal, fake layers.  SIGNED, The Race In Trace Has Wheel Appeal & Zeal To Be Real

Friday, January 30, 2015

Overwhelemed, OLDERwhelmed and IllDUHwhelmed!

Feeling overwhelmed, OLDERwhelmed and illDUHwhelmed. Dark and quiet. Imagine that. But, I am confident God is still at work. Just thought I’d let you know we all get that way. And, especially, the older we get and when illness is upon us. Duh! We get dark and want to give up. With that I leave you with a fave scripture: In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength. Isaiah 30:15. Signed, Quite Quaintly Quiet & Faintly Dark

Monday, January 5, 2015

Getting Dumped On Espressoly!

I got Espresso on my head! No. I didn’t make someone mad and they dumped their Espresso on me. Nope. But, I did pour Espresso on my head! Espresso hair color! PIMP LOL. I can’t have Espresso coffee anymore, but I can have the color. Yep back to my natural color. Espresso. It espresso’s the real me. Have a fun day! Don’t dump on anyone. Before you pour it out and espresso yourself? Take a moment and let it get from your head to your heart. Espresso it to God. Dump it out, pour it out, espresso it. Then pour some love out. But, no dumping on others. Keep your head. Make it any color you want. But, keep your head. On your shoulders. Not on your hips. No one likes getting dumped on. Except toilets. Oops! I’m espressoing myself and flushing. I mean blushing. Oh! And, yes. In my earlier days when I used to drink, someone hurt me real bad and was 2 timing and I found out. So, I dumped a pitcher on him in public. Then, I dumped HIM. Shocking. I could have handled it better, but back then? I didn’t know I could espresso any other way. Now? I know the Way. God. Go espresso yourself. And, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I am a few weeks behind.  Signed, She Don’t Dump & She Won’t