Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Saturday, March 22, 2014

I Beg Your Pardon, But I Beg To Differ!

If you have to beg to be a part of something, maybe you should beg to differ! What? I beg your pardon? Yep. Don't need to beg anyone 'cept maybe God. And, really, He doesn't require begging. We just tend to do that when we want something really bad or we're hurting. God can use you outside or inside that something you want to be part of. Sometimes, being on the outside lookin' in make the in look more appealing than the out. 'til you get in. Then, you beg to be used on the out. I beg your pardon? Thing is? We're always part of something if we make God a part of our everything. Signed, If I Beg To Differ, I Beg Your Pardon

Picking Your Battles!

"PICKING YOUR BATTLES!" I used to sing AND play guitar. Crushed my hand and got very ill, so after the surgery dust settled and when I realized I was gonna live, I had to um..."Pick" and choose what I could try again. PIMP LOL. Breathing, eating, taking care of the fam, singing, writing and just living were top 6. Miss guitar so much. But, we all have to pick our battles wisely and shred a tear for the lost ones, and move on. I have a joke I made up a couple years back to deal with this. It goes... I used to shred guitar and sew my clothes. Now, I wear shredded clothes and play guitar sew-sew! I also love playing drums and was learning and enjoying them so much even at my age. Until the gift of drums got taken back after a couple years. Oh well... The beat goes on. I still sticks with it. Signed, Blue Is My Hue