Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Thursday, January 30, 2014


"LIFE CAN BE A HOOT IF WE LEARN TO KICK BOOT, eh?!" So, I'm cleaning and polishing my Roper boots of 20 years with some saddle soap. So’s I can get back in the saddle again and kick some boot. ‘tis good for the sole. And, soul. We all need some cleaning up and polishing of our boot, eh? PIMP LOL. So, have a fun day. Show your soul, not your boot, eh? We all get beat up and worn out. And, sometimes it shows. That’s when we need to look inside and find our polished! The Great Soul Repairer will polish. No strings attached and He won’t rub us the wrong way, although it may feel like it at the time. My dear Uncle Pete bought me these from his Western store up in Amish farm country in Pennsylvania. He is so special to me. He went to be with Jesus this past year and I miss him. Shall see him again, one day. Thank you for these boots and mems Uncle Pete. Oh! And, BTW? Got a new vid up, so get your boots on and come on over to this link: Read the show more section all about the song. That would be soul nice. BTW? These boots have been on the Gettysburg Battlefields. Course after that war. Ha ha. Just a bit. And, on the battlefields of my life. Many stories, but that's another um...story. These boots were made for walkin' and have walked all over, but as my friend, Dyann, just reminded me, never all over anyone. Signed, The Hoot Snicker In The Boot Kicker

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


"SINICAL!" So, I was thinking about the other day. Thinking that I was getting a bit cynical. My cynical had reached a pinnacle. I was at church, so maybe I should spell it sinical. PIMP LOL. Just means the preachin’ and praisin’ was good. Just ask Vince and Vic. The 2 cons that came. ConVinceing and conVicting! See, everyone’s welcome at God’s church! They sure did convict and convince me of my sinical. Speaking of cons? Have I ever been in jail? That's anotha story. BTW? I had missed 3 weeks of church very ill, still fighting, but back singing and I got a Christmas gift from Haydee and Ray. Delish bread and a card from 2 sweet friends. Plus lotsa hugs from lotsa dearhearts! Seems I got both kinds of bread there, realizing, once again, that God is my Pinnacle. Signed, Akin To The Sinical & Relative To The Pinnacle

Monday, January 27, 2014


"DENTS FROM THE BENCH: My dense thoughts (PIMP LOL) from the front porch bench!" So, yep! I admit. Sometimes, I'm competent by accident. And, just smile. PIMP LOL. It's those dents in my brain. They act up sometimes and actually work proper. I call it "acts-of-the-dents". The other time? I'm competent by acts-i-learn-dent. You know? Putting a dent in the book or life knowledge pile. On purpose. Put a dent in that heap of knowledge God put out there for us. Keeps the brain dents snapping. Learn something cool every day. On purpose. Remember, wisdom is smiling. When you're competent by accident or on purpose. Fulfill your purpose today! It may be to warm the couch or to warm someone's heart. Me? Gonna try to do both. Cuz, I need both! And, yes, we have a song by that name. There is no reason to be dense with our dents!!! Makes sense? Signed, Fulfilling My Acts-of-the-dents On Purpose So My Dents Aren't Dense

We"re Only Hueman!

Yep! We are only hueman, but let's not let that stop us from soaring like a bird after it hits the bird bath! PIMP LOL. Though, I admit, sometimes I appear alien! Trace


“GLORIOUS GLACIER GARB!” In Florida, we have roller coaster winters of highs and lows. We only have a few choice days to wear our glorious glacier garb. Like Handerpants, scarfs, wool gloves, cool socks, tights, coats and Long Johns. So, I grab all the glorious goodies I got. Course, I’m freezing all year long with my unique condition, so I "get" to wear glacier garb all year long. That’s looking on the glorious side of things, cuz I don't like being cold all the time. But, no complaints. As you get dressed this time of year to keep warm, look on the glorious side of things. I know, it’s easier to see the bleak, stead of the glorious side. But, at least at this time of year, we all get to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes! Well, at least noses! PIMP LOL. The one time of year when it’s not just our new computers that come bundled with softwear! And, with everyone bundled up, we all look the same. Freaky, shivering, rednosed humans. So, winter, to some… The Great Freakqualizer! To others… The Great Bleakqualizer. But, to me? The Great Equalizer. Have a fun weekend. Be lookin’ cool in your wool. We should all have the glorious roar in us! Instead of just the roar! Photograph? Resting with my comfort quilt and my fave glorious glacier garb wool gloves. Oh! And, before you think it? I realize it’s easier to talk about being glorious in Florida than it is in most other states, but I speak from Pennsylvania mountain experience state of mind, too. It's state of mind, I don't mind stating. Signed, Always Cold, Always On Fire

Dabbling In Babbling!

“I BABBLED: NOT THERE YET!” What? So, ever been to that exotic place called There? That comfortable place where you feel right at home with the way you just handled something you thought couldn't move you! Even to tears. Well, I've been There, but not today! Where'd I go? Well, the sign said: You are Here. Guess I took a detour through the Heartland and forgot to pack lightly and ended up back Here. 'stead of There. No worries. It's neither Here nor There. It's recognizing Where you're at and being able to move on. Where am I now? Right Here: I’m at Sensitive City near Transparent Seas and OpenBook Brook, where the babbling feel right at home. And, that is right next to Dejavu Zoo. And, I ain't lion! Lots of bridges to cross there. Don't burn them. Anyways, good thing He's Here and There. And, EveryWhere. Because my detours quite often cut right through the Heartland. No. I'm NOT There, yet! And, when I do get There, it'll most likely have been moved. PIMP LOL. Sometimes, you have to come in to something from a new direction. A new approach. To see a way through to live. To forgive when not asked, to love, to grow, to move... To be moved. To move others. You can see what kind of person I am by my illustrations. Sensitive, which is a good thing, but can spiral downward if you let your emotions lead instead of your spirit. I'm an open book, sometimes hardcover, sometimes softcover. I babble when sometimes I want to be closed so know one can see the feelings on the pages. The up side of feelings? They come in handy when I cover music. And, I'm transparent. That's apparent. This artwork was fun and spoke to me. What did it say? You're not There, but you're not alone. And, after some more thought, I added some more um...thoughts today. Being kind to all kinds? Not easy, but I mean to try! PIMP LOL. It is so easy to be kind to the kind, but kind to the mean? Wow. That doesn’t mean we have to hang out with all kinds. Just don’t suppose your kind is any better. Know what I mean? There are some that are kind and smile on the outside but you’ve seen the mean, inside. You can be kind, but you don't have to trust them with your heart and be an open book to them. Some of us are transparent. An open book that shows. Our inside wants to be kind but our outside emotions show the blood rush. That doesn’t mean we can’t be kind. Letting go of the hurt, anger, shock, hate, payback, etc., is being kind to yourself. All that junk shoots holes in us. And it steals from us. It occupies too much space in our thoughts and seeps into our body and makes us sick and then into our spirit and does the same. How can we love the Lord God with all our (heart) emotions, all our strength (body), all our soul (spirit) and all our mind (intellect) if they're being occupied by someone else’s mean-ness. We allow ourselves to be used for target practice over and over again, when the shot was taken a long time ago. We let our minds be shot at over and over again. Don't think they are giving it another thought. We'd be surprised if we knew how little time others have time to think of others. Boy! That was a little mouthful. Letting go of it can mean freedom! Being mean? I will have none of the kind. But to be kind! You may be able to shoot holes in my theory, but it's not really mine at all. God calls us to do these things because He knows what's good for us. He knows our kind. He knows our mean. And, He tried any means to reach us. Anyways, I’m not There yet, like my story says, but I mean to work on it with all my heart, all my mind, all my soul and all my strength. Sorry for going on so long and babbling! Told you I go to Open Book Babbling Brooks. Click on the photoart to get the um…bigger picture! Have a meaningful day. Not full of mean, but full of the kind that means something. Thanks for being kind. Signed, I Dabble In Babble While Life Is Moving

Friday, January 24, 2014


ROCKIN' THE PORTA-POTTY AT THE JAZZ FEST WITHOUT GRUMBLING LIKE A BEAR!  What? So, here's my true story 'bout grumbling. I once got stuck in a port-a-potty in 104 degree temps at a Jazz Fest. How'd I get out? Um...they "rocked" me out! DUH LOL PIMP LOL. They rocked it back and forth until the lock came open. No, they weren't grumbly and bears about it. Just laughing like crazy! And, I didn't even have to use potty mouth to get their attention. Not much, anyways. Cuz, I'm classy-ically trained! I know there's a blues song here somewhere. Maybe a blazzy song? 2 of the artists? BB and Muddy Waters. Ha ha. How ironic. No. I didn't get muddy water on me. Anyways, when you're stuck in the muck, rock the lock. It'll set you free. Truth. God's my Rock. And, all that jazz. Have a fun day. Rock it! Help get someone unstuck. And, don't be a a bear and grumble about it. Like Paul said to the Philippians for all of us to read: do all things without grumbling. BTW? I usually do my own illustrations, but this time this one I came across accidentally on purpose was so perfect for this. And, though I never like anyone to follow me to the "outhouse", I will keep someone close if ever I am forced to use a porta-outhouse. I don't think my heart or me could take it. PIMP LOL. Signed, Never Again Can She & Her Aorta Enter That Sorta Porta

Thursday, January 23, 2014

For The Record!

For the record, we have 2 albums up at our website at and working on a third, but had to take a break. Most of you know I’ve been fighting a terrible pneumonia most of 2013 and a bad bug this year, but this time resting totally until well. For the record? Worse bug ever! For the record? Trusting God and getting better. Stop by the website and check out our basic technique on our music. The photograph? Just a li’l corner of our music room: The Vinyl Frontier. You can see a few of our fave vinyl up above me. My shirt? The death of the Technics Record Player. PIMP LOL. For the record? I love records and record players, naturally. I’m an analog girl in a digital world. Sounds like a new song to me. I like the basic ways. Anyways, I won’t be cookin’ in this room today, but I will be in the kitchen! Have a fun day. Cook somewhere! Use your technique! Signed, the b.a.s.i.c. technique freak

Cookin'! In Every Room Of The House!

“COOKING IN EVERY ROOM OF THE HOUSE! Brrr… It’s cold in our house. Can’t turn on the heat because it makes me wheeze worse, so I’m gonna cook up some heat! Nah! Not in the music room, this time. Still fighting my ear and head and lungs, but way better. This time, cooking in the kitchen! Making some Pennsylvania Dutch Pot Pie. I don’t really know why they call it pie because it’s a big pot of square noodles, chicken, onions and potatoes, etc. Mmm… I learned how to cook most stuff from my Mom and the rest I make up as I go. I love to cook even though I can’t eat much anymore. I make award winning cookies, chili and 666 lasagna, that are all made up recipes. I love winging it in the kitchen even when it ‘s not chicken. DUH LOL. I still love to cook for others. Whether it’s food or music!! PIMP LOL. When I do need a recipe book, I use my "York County Farm Women Go To The Kitchen”. It’s rather worn from many decades of use. Have a day that cooks. Heat things up! Get groovin’ and movin’ to get warm. And, speaking of groovin’ and movin’? If things ain't movin', I ain't groovin'. And, if things ain't groovin', I ain't movin'. In EVERY room of the house! Not just the music room, if you know what I mean! I've danced in the kitchen and in the bathroom to get things movin'! Which brings me to the all important question: Which came 1st? The movin' or the groovin'? PIMP LOL. Have a moving day, guys. If we remember to put God and others first, and actually give them a second, we'll be moved. Which gives us our groove! Whether it's in our hearts, in lines or anywhere in life. It will def improve your groove. And, theirs. Oh! And, thanks for the continued prayers. Still need them. I will def be resting for a few more... Gonna get completely well so I can cook on all burners! Well, I gotta go get things moving. I approve this groove. Signed, Enhancing The Dancing Of The Cook With A Book Who Is In THE Book

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Dirt On Getting Clean!

“THE DIRT ON CLEAN HEARTS! Yes, I do know my jeans, boots, shirts and fingerless gloves look worn and raggedy and, maybe even torn. My shirt cuffs and sleeves get dirty because I use a lot of elbow grease and I write off the cuff. Sometimes, I wear my feelings on my sleeves, right above the fingerless gloves. I get on my knees. And, I walk the distance. When I sing, I try to tear it up! PIMP LOL. Yes, I gotta get dirty to stay grounded! Yes, my life and I may appear torn and worn, but that's how I clean it up! A fave verse? "Create in me a clean heart, O God." And, a fave song for this story? “Give Us Clean Hands!” So, yes, I get down and dirty to clean it up. And, to stay grounded. I may get torn, worn, and, even forlorn. But, not for long. Dirt is more lovely on the knees than on the lips. Dirty knees, clean heart! Have a fun day. Get down! And, get dirty! And, one more thing. I speak from experience when I say that the first step to getting clean when it comes to addictions or anything? Is getting your knees dirty!!  Signed, Forlorn For Long? Not!

Cereal Killer!

"Cereal Killer!" So, I'm up with Dawn and Mr. Frost this morning. I saw Dawn peeking through my window and I felt my mouth cracking a smile. All she has to do is show her true colors and I’m cracking up! So, I walked outside to snap a shot and Mr. Frost popped his head through the grass and crunched between my toes. Oh snap! I could see my breath! Thank God! PIMP LOL. Between Dawn’s cracks and Mr. Frost’s crunches, I’m awake and thankful for the very breath God put in me. And, really glad to see it after these past 3 weeks of horrible sickness. Still coughing and wheezing and stuffy, but I am a bit snappier and my eyes aren't popping outta my head. Now, for some reason, I’m thinking about cereal. DUH LOL. Can’t have it, but I will eat a bite of something. Gonna have to kill that thought. Guess I'm a cereal killer! Anyways, have a snap crack and popping kind of day. See your breath. Know you’re alive! Make someone crack a smile so their day doesn’t bite! You never know what someone is going through. Could be in a crunch! Hope it dawns on you that God is seen in every scene of our day. Take the scenic route and see Him. Oh! And, if this frost was snow? I would so be playing in it like a kid!! That would be killer! Jus' sayin'! Signed, The Corn In The Morn

Double Promise!

Wow! Double rainbows taken from our rainy car windows with my cell phone on the way to my first store trip since all this crud! No editing required! I contemplated editing out the backdrop of wires and our community life but decided that the rainbow was an even better reminder with the backdrop of a not so perfect life! God's painting! God's promise! God's hope. I so needed this reminder. After the flood of sickness I've had! Thankful... Trace

Long John, Handerpants, Shorty and Tank!

Taking in all the plants because the storm is here and whipping it up! And, the freeze will be here later. That, after 75 degrees today and a freeze 2 days earlier. Long John & Handerpants tell me they've never been so confused & jealous! They don't like the on-again off-again relationship with me. They don't like sharing "their" time with Tank & Shorty! I told 'em to loosen up, tho not too much cuz they already fit loose on me. DUH LOL. That Tank & Shorty are tight if you get to know them! There's room for everybody in the winter of my life. Even, if it is a crazy Florida winter! Have fun today, my Florida & otherwise, guys! PIMP LOL! Make room for those that don't seem to fit & all the other guys will loosen up! Being jealous doesn't gel us. Friends are there for all kinds of weather! Just like the Weathermaker! Oh! And, the song for today? Whip It, of course! You know you just sang that! Signed, The Tight Friends Tie Up The Loose Ends

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Turn The Page!

“TAKES SPINE TO TURN THE PAGE…” Seems like that’s all I do in the book of my life is turn the page. Well, duh! We all do that. Oh, sometimes, we get stuck on a chapter or try to cheat and look at the ending, but pretty much, we turn the page. We have to if we want to finish. I’m an open book most times, sometimes, hardback, sometimes soft, but always got life covered. My author and publisher? The Maker of Heaven and earth. He gives my book spine! And, you gotta have spine when you’re an open book! PIMP LOL DUH LOL. I figure He did alright with heaven and earth, so he can publish my book, alright. And, speaking of publishing? I am hoping this is the year I stay well and get my book published and. Much more music, too. Song for today? “Turn The Page” of course, by Bob Seger. My fave song. I can hear it now. Seen him in concert several times. Know the song by heart. Even did a paper on it in college. Anyways, as the bible says, He really is the author and perfector of our faith. Might as well do the same with the book of our life. He’s got it covered! Well, I gotta book it, now. No, I mean really book it! Do some resting and get outta here. Then, later I’ll book it. And, do some reading. You guys keep turning the page. Just like me. We may not always be on the same page, but we're in the same! And, thanks so kindly for all the prayers. Still need them, but better. Oh! And, if you've never heard this song, I posted a "live" version in my first comment. Worth the time. Signed, The Plight In The Write Writes The Book With A Hook

Handerpants, Long John, Shorty and Tank!

HANDERPANTS. All you gotta do is wear them or pull them out and you get instant warm hands, instant warm smile. What are they? Underpants for the hands. Smiles? Handerpants for the soul. It was so cold this morn I actually wore them underneath my fingerless gloves. But, thy really need to be seen. Really! They come in handy. PIMP LOL. For breaking the ice with anyone anywhere and keeping the ice off your hands. And, speaking of breaking and keeping? We should always do 2 things that ensure warm hearts and hands. #1 Wear our Handerpants. #2 Don’t break, always keep our promises. Get ya sum! Handerpants and turned up corners of mouths! Cuz everyone should have a pair of both. You know you're smiling just thinking about it. Long John and Handerpants tell me they've never been so confused and jealous! They don't like the on-again off-again relationship with me. They don't like sharing "their" time with Tank and Shorty! I told them to loosen up, though not too much cuz they already fit loose on me. And, that Tank and Shorty are tight if you get to know them! There's room for everybody in the winter of my life. Even, if it is a crazy Florida winter! PIMP LOL. Have fun today, guys! Make room for those that don't seem to fit and all the other guys will loosen up! Being jealous does not gel us. And, friends are there for all kinds of weather! Signed, The Tight Friends Tie Up The Loose Ends & My Pander & Rants About Handerpants

Monday, January 20, 2014

What The Soul Lungs For!

Ahhh… A breath of fresh air and a breath of fresh prayer. Good for the lungs and good for what the soul lungs for. PIMP LOL

Geez! Some living daylights. pleaze!

“GEEZ! COULD I HAVE SOME DAYLIGHT PLEAZE!” So, the past 3 weeks, I've been doing a lot of wheezing, sneezing, queazing, Zzzzz-ing and kneezing (gettin' on my knees prayin')! Which is when I noticed how I need to get well and be doin' a lot of uh, Appeazing myself by house cleaning! Wow! Vacuuming, dusting, etc. No worries. I will be eazing into it so I won’t be “oh geez!-ing” it afterwards and feeling worse. Have a fun day guys. Laugh, smile, sing. You’d be amazed how it changes you inside. It’s the beez kneez. PIMP LOL. What does that really mean? Umm…well, when bees flit from flower to flower the nectar sticks to their legs. The phrase "bee's knees" means sweet and good, because the knees of the bee are where all the sweet, good stuff is collected. Hope you be breezing your way through your day and collecting the good sweet stuff. Oh! And, I just had something scare the living daylights outta me! Glad I’m still living afterwards to go outside and put some daylights back in me! For real! PIMP LOL. Prayed the scare outta me! So glad we can call on God anytime, anywhere, anyscare! What was the scare? A horrorible food reaction scare! And, boy, you guys know how much I have needed the daylight with all the darkness I’ve had recently. Very thankful. Very pleazed. It doesn’t take much for me. Have a fun day. Shatter the darkness with some daylight! Wander outside in the wonder of the outside. Signed, The Might In The Light & The Pleazing In The Cheezing

Baby Bling!

"SINK YOUR TEETH INTO THIS, BABY!" So, I heard this morning that baby teeth necklaces are the new bronzed bling? Not for me, baby! Sounds like a rottin' way to cash in on our baby memory heartstrings. Well, bling my baby's booties bronze!! PIMP LOL. But, the tooth fairy gets baby teeth in my world. For keeps. I'd rather see my baby's teeth in her smiling mouth at any age than 'round my neck lookin' rather rotten. I like keepsakes, but for Pete's sake, love the baby. We get so busy making mems, we don't make time for them. Remember... Minutes become hours, but moments become ours. I think this new trend will disappear like teeth under the pillow for the tooth fairy. They're just rootin' around for a way to make $. The real bling is in the time spent. That's the gem. Thank you Lord God for our babies! No matter what age, always our babies!! Often, we miss the smile for the teeth. Oh! And, thanks for the all the prayers for this baby. Working her way back to health, slowly, with as few cries as possible. Oh! And, photograph? Me kissing my Garnet Rosey's head. What peace this memory brings. Signed, The Gem In The Mem

Thursday, January 16, 2014


"YET". There are 2 sides to everything. Even us. This photo poem is about being thankful in both sides. If we cannot understand someone's silence, how can we understand their words? Same with our God. 2 sides. Silence and words. Hope you enjoy my photodramapoem. It's both my words and my silence... Trace

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

“Rockin’ The Milestones With Tears & The Movies With Close-Captioning!”

“Rockin’ The Milestones With Tears & The Movies With Close  Captioning!” Well, attempting my first sit at my desktop to do a blog in almost a month. Can’t sit up too long, but here goes. So, I got leftover frozen ham bone with plenty of meat on it, drippings and beans simmering on the stove whilst I simmer on the couch. I’d like to be cooking like the ham. What? I’m a ham, too! Oh well! I can’t get into any trouble on my couch. Darn it! If my life was a close-captioned movie, the words on the screen would right now read: “Illegible mumblings in the distance”. PIMP LOL. No worries. I’m hoping to hear see these words on the screen of my life close captioned movie: “Mighty Melodious Milestone Music & Light Teardrops Sounds" as I might go out the door for my 1st trip to store in 17 days later tonight with fam. If I’m able. I've heard that caption many wondrous times. After coming home from months of hospital, life saving surgeries, seizures, blood transfusions too many to count and waking up alive!!! Upon finalizing song recordings, graduation for our girl, college and so many more milestones. I have The Rock I set my feet upon to thank for those stones. Thanks, guys, for sticking close during these times and reading the captions. I’m going to try to catch up a few of my blogs today since I’m a month behind at all my sites. Just a little. Sit up a bit and then lie down a lot. Have a fun day. Oh! And, I used a new free effect to get the tears on my photo. I promise I'm not crying. Not too much. PIMP LOL. Signed, Mild Groans In Milestones