Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Trace's Music Room

So, come on in and sit back and listen and watch some of the b.a.s.i.c. band music and some of my other favorite music!  This is my room for music and  thoughts and writing about drama and music.

We’re all unique & cool in our own way.  I definitely know that I am rare after some rare surgeries...TNT LOL. My life is very different from most. I dance to the beat of a different drum…BUT, the main thing is? I dance! Can’t be a belly dance…PIMP LOL… but, I dance. In my life, sometimes my dances are Slow, Line, Cheer, Robot, Improv, Funky, & occasionally Rain Dancing. Whatever your dance your life is today? Keep that drum going! Never give up! Stick with it!!! Never be afraid to dance to the beat of a different Drummer!

January 28, 2011:   Today's song?  "Went Lookin"!  What are you looking for?  Hope you enjoy the song and vid.  Stop by our other songs and posts on this room and all my other rooms here at Trace's Place.  I love comments and reactions...much!  Hope your day jam!  Just a moment of honor, today, as we remember the Space Shuttle Challenger and it's crew.  

I love to hear my daughter sing.  She has such a big gorgeous classic voice.  She loves singing classic rock and Christian music, but she does dramatic singing so well.  I still think she would be a fabulous musical singer.  That got me thinking about plays and singing on stage myself, as well as her Dad.  We’ve been on the stage, setting up behind the stage and up in the balcony cheering on friends.  That’s 3 roles…  Like a play, our own life dramas, are on the stage.  Only?  They are on the stage of our life.  It always seems like we playing the starring role.  When I was very young, before I learned about God, I used to think that I was in a play…and we were all each in our own play…and we each were the star.  Each play overlapped with the next…some scenes in my life were part of scenes in someone elses’…only in theirs’?  They were the star.  It really is kind of like that.  All our life scenes overlap with someone else’s and we take on different roles.  So, in our life dramas?  You know?  The ones where we feel we are at the center…hopefully with Him.  We are performing…sharing our gifts…being seen…doing what we do best…our starring roles.  But, sometimes, we get to help the designer build the set…behind the scenes.  Doing things… serving…living life behind the scenes.  Doing things that count, but are not counted out loud.  He counts and knows.  Our scenes are seen, but not us.  Or, we might be a balcony person…getting up there high in the balcony and letting other stars know you are there encouraging…cheering them on…clapping.  In all 3 life roles, you can be a star!  Make your roles count.  Whether it is a resounding count or even if it is a silent count.  Whether you are the one clapping or being clapped for.  Shine your star?  In all venues of life.

‎8 Tracks & Life Tracks: Been off track lately. How off track? If I was an 8 track? I would be found somewhere on track 9 & you would have to take me apart to untangle me. Believe me! Done that to save old music…lots…on 8 Tracks & Cassettes. Sometimes we have to untangle our life tapes to get back on the right track…even splice them back together at spots in our lives. Yep! Done that! Have an at”track”tive day!

Gigs: whether alone or with other bands? Bring something unique to the table...make a list of things needed like a bride does for a wedding. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. So that translates: an older song people will remember and connect with immediately, a new original no one has heard, a cover done completely unqiue, and something blues! Just sayin'!  That about covers it.  Have fun gigging...whether it's music or marriage or life.  Trace

Here's an old one done completely unique for ya!  Has the whole list in one.

Today?  A comfort song:  Shepherd's Heart

Also?  A comfort song...a little blues and country...One Heart   1♥

A cover? Is just an original that got covered! Got that covered? So, stop by and make one of our originals? A cover!!!   Check out my post on my home page about making your own Christmas Card Video!  Or click below here:

A cover? Is just an original that got covered! Got that covered? So, stop by and make one of our originals? A cover!!! Like this Christmas song for all year...a free download at our website...and stuff at my blog to make your own Christmas card vid...

New Album Cover
New Album Cover


  1. Putting my thoughts up here makes me listen to my own stuff...TNT LOL...have a day of dancing. I had a few other dances, like the Jerk and Sidestep, Single Waltz...ones that fit my life some days...anybody else got any? ♥&^ Trace

  2. Feels like home it here! Kat <3<3<3

  3. Thanks, Kat! So glad you stopped of these person? Until then...come back and visit here. Much love, Trace

  4. Great blog Tracy!
    It's just...

  5. Enjoyed the little tour ... is that mesh of tangled tape "8 tracks"?? Also the picture to the right here - you and your daughter ~ Great pic! She's a doll - just like Mom! tom
