Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Friday, June 16, 2017


I like to be ready for anything and improv when it comes to life or music, etc. Be ready to make quick decisions. But, there's something to be said about quiet, slow, confidence and experience.And using our brains. The last time I threw caution to the wind, it snuck up behind me, bit me on the butt, walked all over me and caught me in the shin. Caughtshin. Tripped me up. Threw me for a loop. I was def stunned and loopy for a bit. So, for some big things that may take me down some past roads, I ass myself? Does the assfault end here? Because it's my own butt fault if I don't take caughtshin. And, repeat a mistake. Now? I tend to throw my doormat to the wind. And, put out a welcome sign, instead. Oh. I still make quick decisions when needed, but I now use my "CAUGHT-SHIN! THE ASSFAULT ENDS HERE" philosphy. Have a fun, shindig of a weekend. Oh. And, I put 2 new songs up on my page this week. Now, working on our physical CD's to sell when we go out and on our website. Lotsa work. So I took a lil guitar break. PIMP LOL. I was thinking about how much work needs done on our other 2 new songs. Well, to size it up? More than a lil guitar. Have a lil fun this weekend. Signed, She shinDIGS Deep

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Under Thee Influence?

In my old days of partying, I used to close places. So, we were playing at a place on Tuesdays cuz now playing music IS how we party. Well, they closed down. We always wanted to play & close places, but only for the night. I mean, standing room only kinda night. Not standing outside only. Knocking down doors to see us. Not locking down doors so we can't get in. PIMP LOL. Life can be sobering. Experiencing it w/o drugs/alcohol might be excruciatingly hellish at times? But, being our best & being filled with God's power is a heaven a lot better than being filled with altering influence. Me? I like the altar influence. Signed, She's Always Under Thee Influence

Screech Owls & Chalkboards!

There's somethin bout sayin your age out loud that sounds like a friggin piece of chalk hitting wrong on a chalkboard. How old? Screeeech. For years, I've seen the age I think I can get away with on a chalkboard in my mind. Oh, I may erase and chalk up a new one every few years. It's the only place I allow myself to tell a lil white lie. With white chalk. God knows about it. I may have had to clap the erasers outside a time or 2. But owlch!! No wonder people think I'm crazy to dress like I want and still wanna sing and have a band. I get it. But, I chalk it up to Screech Owl wisdom. Because owls look smart with their big eyes that look like they have glasses on and are good hunters in the dark, and I do try to hunt light in the dark. And, screech wisdom because If I went by the world's age to quit being young, I'd screech. Again. Owlch. Oh. And, I clapped the erasers on my board so you can't see my age. Just know owl be young for awhile. Signed, She's Old School & A Wise Butt