Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Thursday, March 4, 2021


Everyone keeps talking about putting in new leaders next election to fix this swampy, deep state nightmare. But, I'm still back at "when and how do we fix the voting and election process to get rid of the corruption and criminal handling of it lest it happen again?" I just can't process the rest til that is fixed. Because nothing else will change if you don't get rid of the problem. You know, I used to to have these crazy nightmares every night. Took me awhile to figure out why. But, after a lil investigating, I realized every time I ate prezels for my snack, I'd wake up to the same horrible nightmares and other issues. It turned out that I can't have yeast! So, I changed my snack. I got rid of the problem. No more nightmares. Might sound twisted, but it's the same with politics. You keep swallowing the same twisted words and you end up with the same twisted nightmare of a sentence. Death. Of America. Signed, At Yeast She's Not Twisted?

The Loco Motive Inauguration!

First, let me say that I wrote this on January 21st, the fake inauguration. This morning, I wreck'n I'm in mourning. A bit teary-eyed. I lost a few close, valued friends in a horrific train wreck. The locomotive was called The USA. The engineer, Mr. Deep State, made it out, but all others were lost. I feel a deep sadness for the loss of Freedom, Truth, and Integrity, just to name a few of the passengers. The engineers had loco motives and set the train on a ruthless track of death from the moment it left the station 4 years ago. There will be a wreck'ning one day. But, today I mourn. I would also like to say how much we love and feel bad for, and appreciate, our incredible President Trump and 1st Lady Melania. I'm ashamed the way you were treated. Your fortitude and great attitudes strengthened our country and made us better. You cared for babies, while they behaved like evil babies killing babies. You served America, while they served China. You spoke truth while they spoke lies. You made life for hard working folks better while they made life for themselves, BLM & Illegals better. You loved all American people while they raised racism from the dead so they could get votes. You had rallies for the living while they had vote tallies of the dead. You praised our brave policemen while they defunded the police. You are respected while they have been rejected. Praying for you both and our country, and that we can get back on the right track before we're a wreck from hitting The Socialism Gravy Train head on. We would not survive if we had to gravel at their feet or eat the gravy of defeat. We stand up with you, we voted for you, we know you won legally. Your kindness and training made America Great. We like that track. We like that Trump Train. We're ready to go full steam ahead, Lord! . Signed, She Trained Local, But Cannot Wreck'ncile Loco


There are so many blunders and lies coming from the woke fakes in the Swamp, forget a 'woke'abulary to understand them. We need a faux-cabulary to understand all their faux pas. It would be laughable if it wasn't so seriously evil. Remember when our grand President Trump spoke to us honestly, off the cuff, from the heart? We were, and still are, always stoked and overjoyed at his love for America. He has a stoke-cabulary. Signed, Her Jokecabulary Is Laughable