Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Monday, May 23, 2011

Be A Beast At Everything You Do! Roar! NO LION! Excel At Honesty And Honesty Will Be Seen In The Things You Excel At! Be A Star And Be Glow-y-ous! Shine For His Glow-y!

During our Mother’s Day Movie Marathon a few weeks ago, my daughter was diligently working on her history homework, which we all enjoyed because we’re all kind of history buffs.  Or, some kind of buffs, anyways.  I mean, we do get rubbed the wrong way sometimes.  PIMP LOL.  Anyway, I was so glad she was honest about having to study instead of just blowing off the test.  So, turns out?  She got a 150 out of a possible 100 on the history homework.  She didn’t hear Mr. Susin say that they didn’t have to do the essay questions.  This is one time when not paying attention?  Pays off.  She hit pay dirt and got the top grade in the class. Teacher said she was a history beast!  Roar!  Now, she is starting to remember how much fun learning and getting A’s is again.  Isn’t it amazing what a little encouragement and prayer does?  Right?  As parents, we all pray for our kids to excel.  And, we need to encourage and give them an example to live by.  Me?  I was a kooky kid...kind of a grown-up kid.  Now, I'm a kid grown-up, right?  So, anyways, I always loved school.  I love learning.  I love excellence.  I say “be a beast at everything you do”!  Roar!  Now, you can bet you will get roared at in two different ways when you succeed and excel.  Right?  You know what I’m talkin’ ‘bout.  Sometimes, you may get roared at for doing well, but keep doing it.  Sometimes, you get a good roar from those around you that want to excel and roar with you.  My daughter said that a few kids were ticked because she threw the grade curve.  Others were thrilled with her.  I remember those days of getting bad looks from throwing the grade curve.  I was always very shy in school…very introverted!  Yes!  Believe that!  I wouldn’t even tell anyone I wanted to sing.  I couldn’t look up at the teacher or anyone.  I used to let everyone copy off me, just because I was so shy and lacked any confidence and foundation.  I started using drugs and alcohol to get out of my shell, but tried to maintain a double life in college.  Too much.  I lived alone and was responsible and had the right heart, but the drugs and alcohol made me too free…it truly wasn’t me, even though it was much easier to be free.  Or, so I thought.  I finally got to the point where I wasn’t enjoying a double life.  I went to church for the first time in my life upon an invitation from a guy at work.  Couldn’t believe when I got there after all my worrying about not being good enough to step into the place…after all I had done…they still so loved me and took me in as one of their family.  I accepted Jesus Christ and in faith…was free.  I was out of my shell without all the drugs, alcohol and partying.  Now, don’t get me wrong.  I’ve lived a hard life.  But, my strength in my life…all of my life…is Him.  Excelling in the little things is big to me.  I want to encourage others to excel.  That’s how we excel.  Someone sent this to me years ago and I thought it fit well with this. 

Our Deepest Fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, "Who am I to be brilliant, good-looking, talented, and fabulous?"
Actually, who are you not to be?
Your playing small doesn't serve the world.
There's nothing enlightening about shrinking so other folks won't feel insecure around you.
We are meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine we unconsciously give others permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Anyway, so my two things to live by that I always emphasize with my daughter and myself and anyone else around me?  Truth and excellence!  Honestly!  We should be excellent with our word, and true in our excellence.  After all, if our word can’t be counted on?  It’s not excellent.  And, if we excel at things that aren’t honest and good? What good are they?  Excel at honesty and honesty will be found in the things you excel at.  I’ve been a bit serious today, so I’ll end on this.  Be excellent.  Be true.  Be a beast at everything you do!  Roar!  And, no lion”.  PIMP LOL.  Oh, and even with humor, you can be a beast, right? Well, you can rip-roar! TNT LOL.  Okay, just one more thought...  I saw a building so high that it scraped the sky. Got me thinking. It IS right to excel in all we do. Our accomplishments are sky scrapers.  Just barely touching the sky. Yes, we can do some cool stuff. But, God?  He is the Skymaker. Top that! We make skyscrapers. He is the Skymaker and makes skyblazers. Stars. We are stars, too. Not for glory, but for glow-y! To shine in someone’s darkness.  Even our own. Yes! Be excellent…it is humbling.   So, scrape the sky!  Be a star.   But, remember the Skymaker!   Be glow-y-ous.  Shine for His glow-y...  Oh, and if you laughed at my humor and hope on this one?  Email me or comment and tell me.  And, I will send you a free album download of our "No Stranger To The Blues" by the b.a.s.i.c band.  It is one of our accomplishments, one of our skyscrapers that we recorded for the Skymaker.  Now, go and roar glow-y-ously!   Trace

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Collide To Kaleid! O! So, Scope It Out!

Collide To Kaleid!  O!  So, Scope It Out!  Errr...I mean, kaleidoocope it out.  Right?  I mean, we collide and kaleid, right! How?  Well, my soul kaleids when I serve or decorate or sing…and many other things.  When I do these things?  My soul collides with people, with life, with everything in me…with God.  Same with you.  These things we do? All reflect on us.  And, from us! All in very unique and colorful, beautiful shapes and forms.  And, they mirror the good in us.  God.  We are soul kaleidoscopes that others look through.  A kaleidoscope can take a plain little pebble and reflect it around to display something so very cool and lovely from broken pieces of glass.  Kind of like us, right?  When we see people through their soul kaleidoscope in God’s image?  We don’t see a pebble or plain-ness or even ugliness or broken-ness. We see beauty.  We see love.  We see lovely!  What makes you kaleid when you collide?  Scope it out and let me know.  Hope your day collides! Oh!  And, kaleids!!  One more thing?  Click on the picture for what? get the bigger picture?  PIMP LOL.  OR, in this case?  A kaleidoscope of pictures!   And you will notice in the kaleidocope?  That I am not at the center!   Nuff said, right?  Trace

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sandscapes And Turtles And Shell-tered Life Lessons! Go figure! I mean, go-pher-gure?

So, I am watering a bit today.  Everything is quenched including me.  No rain on the outside, but some on the inside, right?   Anyway, I call our yard “sandscape”, instead of landscape.  Because it is so, so dry.  So, who do you think I spot? Our other family member.  She’s been living here on our grounds and in our ground, and under our house and shed for over 18 years.  She makes daily treks across to the woods and back and has babies in our front yard every year.  She blends in well, but can be hard…on the surface.  PIMP LOL.  Sound familiar?  Like any other family members?  Ourselves, sometimes?  Anyway, she is huge and she is used to us, but she still seems to be in her shell.  I know, right?   She lives a shell-tered life.   But when she moves out into the world?  She dares to take that shell-tered life with her and share it.  Brings joy to kids and families that drive by and see her.  And, she always comes home.  She is faithful.  Sounds like another lesson.   Oh, and I call her Foxy Boxy…but she is not a Box turtle.  What is she?   She is a Gopher Turtle.  Why did I call her that?  Well, it’s because the first couple years, everyone would stop by the road and try to capture her in a box.  I had some wildlife people out to check her out last year.  She can’t be moved out of her habitat, like our scrub jays.  But, we certainly are not going to pay a fortune to have her moved.  Besides?  She’s part of the landscape…err…, I mean, sandscape.  Well, I think I shall take her advice today. Move slow, wear a shield, live in my shell-tered life today and hide out.  But, when I do go out into the world?  Take my shell-ter with me and my shell-tered world and share it.   No fear.  Bring joy to others.  Last thought?  Some of my whacky Tracy humor.  Sorry, it’s all I got.  Well, I’m not one to stick my head in the sand?  But she sticks her whole body in it…and seems to be doing great.  Go-phergure.   Oh, and up at the beginning of the slow story?  I spoke of it raining on the inside.  You know what I mean.  Best thing to do is go out and water someone else’s life with your time…you’ll find the rain on the inside that once felt like a heavy downpour?  Has turned into a gentle refreshing.  From sadness to joy.  Raining on the inside can be refreshing…where we seek God.  Raining on the outside can be refreshing…where we see God.  There is a wonderful song by Amy Grant called “Raining On The Inside”.  Awesome.  Check it out.  Speaking of songs…hoping to have a new one up soon.  Oh, and click on the photos for the...umm...the bigger picture?  Yes, the Gopher turtles look cool up close.  So, get up close.  Click. And, not just the photos.  Get up close with others and click!  Take it home.   Remember?  I'm talking about home as in anywhere our heart is, also.  And, keep watering…  I’m going to.  Go-pher-gure!  Trace

Friday, May 6, 2011

Stylin', Stealin' And Bacon Bouquets! Rap It up!

Stylin’ or stealin’ or both?. What's my style? Well, see if this says it: A guy came up to me on stage one night and he said, “I love your bring the whole closet, thrift shop and a few garage sales with you”. But, you carry it all so cool. I know, right? It hangs on me with no hangers!  What was my outfit? Patched jeans, a crocheted hat, boots, antique brown top, a jean jacket with my feelin’s on the sleeves right above the fingerless gloves. And, I am being frank with you. Cuz, quite frankly? I’m tired of being Trace. PIMP LOL. Just kidding. It’s the only thing I’m good at. Right? Be yourself! You’re the best at it. Be unique! Cuz quite frankly? Frank’s got frank covered. And, he’s a hot dog at it! Have a fun time being yourself. Be a hot dog…and, be frank about it, too! So, back to the style and steal thing… So, I don’t know about my outfits being a style, but a steal? Yep! Some things have been a steal from shops, garage sales, and even my closet and walls (I use scarfs, hats, etc., to decorate the house). And, others? Were gifts from those that steal my heart. I am like a kid when I get a gift. Any little thing makes me light up. And, I am thankful for any gift. And, since it’s coming up on Mother’s Day, I was thinking of gifts I had gotten for Mother’s Day and the first Mother’s Day I had my girl, Garnet Rose. She hadn’t been born yet, but she was 6 months along in the photo. What a gift. She was a miracle…as I was told I would never carry a child. Another gift? Was from my step-son, Nathan. It was a beautiful lacy heart I still have. Meant the world to me and still does. I have many homemade gifts that my daughter made me all over the house. One is in the kitchen. A kindergarten-made recipe holder. It is gorgeous. So, what have you gotten or given that stands out? Tell me in a comment or email me. Oh, and speaking of gifts? The Greatest Gift? Was from God! He stole my heart. So, whether you are stylin’ or stealin’ someone’s heart by giving them gifts of love, wear it well! And, as always, click on the photos for…ummm…the bigger picture? Yep! Have a wonderful weekend remembering moms. Oh, one more thing. This other photo? Is a Bacon Bouquet Wish it had been my idea. Sounds like me, but it is so cool. A Bacon Bouquet! It's Mother's Day coming up, so all you Dad’s? You can really bring home the bacon this Mother’s Day! Make, or buy, your woman this sizzling Mother’s Day gift! Takes care of the flowers AND breakfast in one Bacon Bouquet! Just bring her the Bacon Bouquet before she gets up and voila! I say, “Wrap it up...or around...I'll take it!” I just bet that guys are gonna be wanting bouquets this year for Father's Day, too, am I right? PIMP LOL. NO need for giving the Maple Syrup candle or perfume? Just buy the Maple Syrup itself and give it to mom to dip the bacon in it. Then, you smell good like perfume, the room smells good like a candle and the bacon tastes even better. And, there you have it. Perfume, breakfast in bed, flowers…all in one. I am sure we could spray that decorative icing coloring on them to tint them for the ladies. And for the men? We could use beef jerky, too. For kids? We could use those fruit roll-ups, right? Have a fun weekend, everyone. Oh, and I did think of this idea…but, I was waiting for pigs to fly first. I know, right? Oh, and the picture of the pretty lady in red and the sweet girl in the hat?  Why, my mom and my baby!  And, now, just a little added bonus? Thought I would throw in a little flippant rap I wrote today about…well, peace in the midst of storms. You’ll have to rap it out and see. Thought you guys could rap it out to all the moms for Mother’s Day. Mom’s like anything.

A FLIP-ent rap:

So you want things con-GRU-ent?
Then, you can’t be FLU-ent
IN your ambi-GU-ent!
So don’t let your day be RU-ent
If you don’t have a CLU-ent.
Just ask God to help you THRU-ent
And some peace will ac-CRU-ent.

You HIP-ent to the flippant FLIP-ent rap?

Have a fun weekend! I’m ship’ent out!         Trace

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

We've All Had Times Of Good And Plenty...And Not Just At The Movies, Right?

Okay, so my exercise for today was light.  Just some arm and leg exercises and some cardiovascular.  After lifting weights, about 12 oz. in each hand, of spray perfume bottles of Rapture and Opium, I then spray one of them lightly into the air and run through it…lightly and gently.  I also ran through my music for exercise.  I threw the papers on the floor and gently ran through them.  PIMP LOL.  My cool down?  Ummm…blow drying my hair on the cool setting?  What?  I want to be blown away today.   By the way?  I wouldn’t have either of those perfumes except that my wonderful mom gave one to me as a gift last year and made it possible for my dear daughter to give me Opium for my birthday this year.  And I am the queen of making perfume last forever.  Which I learned from having a time of meager funds.  She gave me the perfume to make me feel better and because she loves to give and she knew I couldn’t afford it.  It's not that she has lots of money.  I know it was a sacrifice for them.  I hadn’t had perfume for a long time.  But, I was used to not having those kinds of things.  I always say, “Make money…need more.  Make do…need less.  More or less.”    Not saying I don’t like money or things, but my focus has been more on health and music and family and all.  I have had times of plenty that were good and times of little that were good. And vice versa.  Times of plenty and times of little that were both bad. Those times of good and plenty?  Well, most of those were at the movies.  PIMP LOL.  Just kidding, right?  You remember those candies…Good And Plenties?  Anyway, living in all conditions is valuable to us.  Though, change is hard.  Change is good!  But! Dollars are better. What? Makes ¢ to me. And, now you have 2¢ more than you had before. Now, go be a “doll”ar and have a day that blows you away and is filled with good smells and I’ll give you a penny for your thoughts. Or, would that be non-cents? No. That’s my 7th sense…nonsense. The 8th sense? Why, my 2¢, of course.  It all makes sense to me.  And with all those cents or sense floating around here?  There's one more thing about me you can count on.  No matter what?  Health problems or having little or having can always count on me.  Get it?  Count?  Cents?  Oh, well.  You really can count on me.  You have my word on that...and my word?  Is what I'm about.  And, that's my last 2¢ for today.  It adds up!  PIMP LOL.  Now, since it's coming up on Mother's Day, tell your mom you love her…no matter where she is.  That doesn't cost anything.  So, to finish up this article, I would just like to say that I am glad the exercise today with the perfume turned into this exercise for the heart.  Mom’s make big sacrifices.  And, it reminded me of the biggest sacrifice of all, right?  We all must make sacrifices and I am reminded of a few I must make.  Which means I need good prayers and plenty of them.  Throw in plenty of grace.  So, have yourself a Good And Plenty kind of week.  And, as always? Click on the picture…for umm…the bigger picture?    Trace

Monday, May 2, 2011

I'm A Black Belt Ninja...Just Ask My Vacuum

Yes!  I must admit.  I am a Ninja!  And, I have a black belt and stealthy cool moves to prove it.  I could wear the black belt on my waist…where I could use it to waste someone, only if needed, of course.  But, I will put it where it belongs.  On my vacuum to collect somebody’s waste, not waste somebody.  So, that makes me a vacuum Ninja?  Right?  I wear it well and attack my enemies with a vengeance.  Those dust bunnies don't stand a chance.  I move very cool-ly?  Is that a word?  And, I think I hold the record for the most black belts achieved in one year?  7 in the past year.  Not kidding.  We have a lot of electronics and my daughter and I both have long hair that seems to get tangled in the vacuum and I am forever taking it apart and cleaning it.  I think my daughter is a vacuum ninja, too.  At least, it sounds like it when she is vacuuming her room.  The electronics don't stand a chance.  Or, the blankets or rugs that get sucked up, thus broken belts. PIMP LOL. And, when they come out of her room?  The vacuum doesn't have much vroom anymore.  I think we are all quilty of having gotten something caught in the vacuum.  I remember one time my sister and I were arguing and somehow the vacuum was sucking her hair.  Hmmm....PIMP LOL. Something good from all those belts breaking?  I can pretty much take a vacuum apart and I know how they work and all. Did I mention vacuuming sucks?  No. I mean it really does suck…up dust and dirt and waste. And, life does suck sometimes, know?  You have to get dirty to stay grounded.  You know?  A little hard work never hurt and all that?  But, like the photo says?  Vacuums and life? Well, sure!  They both suck.  But, they’re both good for you.  Look for the good and don’t waste too much time worrying about the dirt.  After all?  It all comes out in the wash...or, the vacuum bag?  I won’t waste any more of your time.  Have a encouraging and fun, black belt kind of week.  Get out there and kick butt!  Oh, and click on my little photo collage for what?  The bigger picture, of course!   Trace