Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


"I'tin'ERARY! A WORD FROM TRAY & TIN!” So, what did the antique Tin say to the antique Tray? “Let's hang out today! That's what I got on my i”tin"erary. YOU! I’m gonna call it my “utinerary”. See, Tray, our itinerary should always include others. And, include giving. And, forgiving. A giving person is such because they forgive even more and even before being able to give. It frees them to give with a pure heart. Forgiving someone is meant to be shared with the other person. But, sometimes you must do it alone, never being asked. You must muster up mercy and forgive. Now, forgetting? That’s the 1 thing no one can share with you. Only you can forget what’s in your forgiving memories. But, you must. You must muster up mercy for yourself and forget. ‘tis a merciful thing to muster up forgiveness whether for 1 or for 2. ‘tis a merciful, but harder thing to muster up forgetting, always for 1. Forgiving involves. Forgetting resolves, each and every time we remember. Resolution takes time. And, God’s mercies are new everyday, thankfully. They never get old. He never gets old. And, He never remembers. And, it’s not from old age. Ha ha, Tray. It’s from mercy. Yes, a giving person has one thing they do more. FORgive. So, Tray, that’s my i”tin”erary! Hang with you, to give, to forgive, to show mercy as mercy is shown to me.” Well, guys, that was a lesson today from Tray and Tin. Yes, in my world, my decorations talk to each other! And, to me. Ha ha. So, hang out with someone. Make them part of your itinerary. Forgive to make room for give-ing. Forgiveness always come a fore giving. I am hoping that 2014 allows me to be able to give more than this past year. In every way. It's hard to be on the other end. I love being a giver. And, a forgiver. And, don't forget. A forgetter, too. Okay, I shall be merciful and can it for now. Love you guys. SIGNED, A Trace Of Life

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