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Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Rain In Spain And Spring Break: Good For Whatever Ales You

Today it is raining!  Cats and dogs!  So glad that the Rain In Spain fell mainly on our plains today! It was refreshing and wonderful and the sound was music to my ears. And that is the “plains” truth. Hoping for more Spain rain in our neck of the plains soon.  And, since it was raining, which I love, and it is spring break, my girl and I decided to watch scary movies all day and rest!  Yay!  Much needed since we both have had a bug on and off for awhile.  So my thoughts today are about "Spring Break" and "Taking A Break" from life and bugs, and the 4 things to do for whatever ails you!   Especially because it seems like everyone I know, including yours truly, has been down with something lately.  Sick, I mean!  So, I thought I would write my short remedy for everything.  So, take a break and spring into some reading!  Here goes:  It’s Spring and it’s break time for the kids! And some of us big kids, too, right?  I admit!  I’m just a big kid! Time to have fun WITH them and have fun LIKE them! PIMP LOL! So, whether you spring into the break or you break into spring?  Spring into some fun! BOING! BOING! BOING! Get sprung by spring! Take 1 break, before you break in 2! Take a spring break! No matter what ails you?  A bug or a cold or whatever?  There are 4 things you need to have.  #1? Ginger ale! It’s good for what ales you!  #2?  Chicken soup.  It’s good for ummm…the soul?  Isn’t that a book, right? PIMP LOL. No, is good for the body!   #3?  A neck rub!  It’s good if you’ve been rubbed the wrong way! Right?  Whatever!  So, stick your neck out!  Sip some chicken soup for the body and soul and drink some ginger ale… for what ales you.   And, last, but not least?  #4?  Prayer!   Really?  That is the chicken soup for the soul!  So, feel better and take a break!  And, by the way?  The Rain In Spain or your neck of the woods and Spring Break are also good for whatever ales you!!!   Like always, click on the photo for...well?  The bigger picture!   Oh, one more thing?  The origin behind it's raining cats and dogs?  Long time ago in England, houses had thatched roofs-thick straw-piled high, with no wood underneath.  It was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the cats and other small animals (mice, bugs) lived in the roof. When it rained it became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip and fall off the roof.  Hence the saying "It's raining cats and dogs."   Have a fun day.  Oh, and if you want to listen to a soothing gorgeous album today?  Check out an old one called "Age To Age" by Amy Grant.  My fav on there is "I Love A lonely Day" and "It's Raining On The Inside".  Perfect for today!   You can find it all over the web.  I have a copy of it and love it.  Trace

1 comment:

  1. Be careful of all the poodles, when it's raining cats and dogs.
