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Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tore Up From The Floor Up and Rip-Roaring Humor

 Well, you can tell I have been very sick and resting like my pig, Grace over on the rug.  She has been gone now for many years, but this photo was such a restful photo, that it made me feel better just to post it.  I noticed I haven’t written a blog article for 2 weeks, so even though I am still quite sick, I am putting up a short one so you guys know I still fighting the fight and running the race!  So, I am in a forced rest mode for a few days.  And, I'm gonna be hanging out on the Bald Hill mountains on my hanging hammock... virtually... in my mind, that is!  But, rest assured, that when I am done with my rest? The rest of my life will be there waiting. Right?  It always is.  Hope the rest of you guys have a rest of the week…that IS a “rest” of a lifetime!  For the rest of the week? I’m pretending I’m resting on a hammock between 2 trees at my old house I lived in until 13, to the left, in Pennsylvania (click on the photos for bigger picture). You’ll just have to imagine the hammock, just like me.  I am imagining the picture on the right is part of the picture on the left in the back yard where we use to play.  It's there...just can't see it.  Imagine it!   I am again, rest assured, that this rest? Will give my body some restitution. PIMP LOL. Come join me for a rest. Be rest assured that we will not be alone! Thankfully.   And, speaking of being sick…  Ever felt "tore up from the floor up"? Like paper in a shredder? It’s not quite the same as the saying, “ripped”, as in muscular, right? More like ripped to shreds! PIMP LOL. And, not just your jeans! Anyway, nothing like a baby and a little rip-roaring humor for your rips and tears! So, click on and watch the video and rip into laughter! Medicine for your day.  Guaranteed prescription!  I’ll be back! Imagine that with Arnold’s accent, please.  Arnold who?  You know the Terminator line, right?  Right!  So, comment and drop in on my other ariticles and pages here.  I love hearing from you guys.   Now, watch and laugh!  Rip-roar!   Much love, Trace


  1. Hope you feel better soon! I bet your pig was really cool. :-)

  2. Thanks so much, Kate! And, yes, Grace was a really cool pet. Best ever!
