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Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Truth And Turkey...Hard To Swallow?

Truth, sometimes? Is unbelievably hard to believe. The truth is? It’s hard to swallow sometimes…but, after you get a taste of it? And digest it? Yes! It’s food for thought…food for life! Sometimes truth IS tough to swallow, but seasoned with faith? Leaves you hungry for more! Anything else? Leaves you fed up! Truth? One of the major food groups. Swallow it daily!   Have a wonderful Thankful day today as we celebrate Thanksgiving.  Hope your turkey and truth is not hard to swallow!  PIMP LOL TNT

1 comment:

  1. So, I won't actually be swallowing any turkey today? Nope. I am baking one of my great hams. We don't care for turkey much, but truth? Yes, swallowing that today. Better go season my ham and my truth...after that? Gonna ham it up a bit! Have a day of hamming it up! PIMP LOL. Stop by my other posts here and songs and vids while you are here relaxing... Trace
