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Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Monday, June 27, 2011

I Wanna Be An Ace Of Hope And A Joker Of Humor...K, Jack? Be A Queen Of Hearts Because He's The King Of Possibles

In your deck of life, ever feel lost in the shuffle?  The cards you need are always turned down? Maybe you get flushed? Maybe things aren’t always dealt to you straight. Maybe you feel like a diamond in the rough. You know? Not part of “the club”. You feel more like the fool in that house than a full house of hearts. But, no matter how it stacks up, face up! You may need to stack the deck in your favor. A King’s favor.  Maybe a joker or two. Faith in God and humor go a long way. They make the shuffle dealable and the game playable.  Now, that’s a big deal, Jack So, I try to do mind puzzles and play Spider Solitaire every day until I win to keep my mind an Ace and a Joker, cuz I wanna be the Queen of hope and humor. And, heart.   Ummm, I should say...hearts! Got that, Jack? PIMP LOL. Thing is…when the cards start out falling into place too easy…I lose. But, when I’m down to the last hand and it seems impossible to win, I win. From the hands I’ve been dealt in Spider and life, I’ve learned nothing’s impossible. When you’re ready to throw in the cards? It’s all in the cards to win. Experiencing impossibles enables us to experience faith.  Which makes anything possible. The King Of Possibles, The King Of Hearts…has dealt us a hand of love.  Let’s play!  Oh, and one more thought?  I started out with easy puzzles and playing Spider on Easy and as time went on and I succeeded, just like in life, I kicked it up a notch to Medium and even to Hard some days.  When I think of God telling us that where much is given, much is expected.  I think that it means we grow from the strength He gives us to go through the Easy puzzles in life.  He gives us what we need to make us able to move on to the Medium and Hard and expects us to trust Him.  I know, Easy to say.  I expect He knows that!   Have a fun day.  Go ahead!  Be a card!  Face it!  I am!  Oh, and go ahead and click on the photo.  For what?  Why, the bigger picture, of course.  Trace

1 comment:

  1. You can deal me in.I like the way you think.Donna
