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Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Truth Speaks For Itself...Quietly And Confidently Most Times. But This Time? Just Call Me The Temporary Megaphone! PIMP LOL

Something someone said to me yesterday struck a chord with me…but it was discord.  It was what they didn’t say that I heard the loudest…truth.  I already knew what the truth was and just wanted to be respected enough to hear the truth.  I know that is a hard thing to do sometimes.  I know I’m not perfect and need grace at times, too.  But, I ‘m gonna speak up…then shut up.  Just call me a Temporary Megaphone!  So, this discord got me thinking about music and what God has given us (the b.a.s.i.c. band) and me, personally. The ups and downs.  I had quit singing after a long bout with a very traumatic illness.  A lot of folks only guessed what was wrong with me and thought it was drugs.  It wasn’t.   The drugs came after the major surgery to remove most of my stomach.  I got hooked on prescription drugs that were supposed to be keeping me alive after.  Anyway, got off of them myself.  But, that’s another whole nutha war story that is up here on my blog.  Look through my articles for that.  I said that to make a point about truth.  Don't speak if you don't know it to be true.  And if you don't want to say the truth?  Don't say anything.  Truth never changes it's story...cuz it's not a story!  Duh!   So, back to this story...  I never thought I would sing again and when I started, it was at church and home…humbly, believe me.  Not expecting any support.  I had no confidence and no memories of ever being a singer or ever being on stage or at any gigs.  It never even dawned on me until some time later that I would sing other than in a crowd or alone, again.  I never even asked to.  Didn’t even enter my mind to ask.  I’m serious. Then, after avery long 2 years, I started singing more at home and having hope.  And, I was asked to sing at church.  I was completely shocked and teary-eyed.  Still am.  Because every time I sing, it is only by His Grace and power that I do.  You see...I still have alot of health things that I don't like known becasue then people expect less of you.  They have a predisposed notion.  I want to be treated like someone that can be counted on because I can be.  Sickness doesn't affect me like most others, because of my experience and my health.  Well, I mean, it affects me...alot!  But, it doesn't rule me. I have learned to live with it more.  Not saying I like it or it's easy, just that it's do-able with God.  Makes me need Him more...  Anyway, singing in front of others before God was pure medicine for me.  My safe place...  It opened up some hope and doors of encrouagement in me and I was beginning to record and create videos and put our songs up on the internet to be able to have a ministry again.  I taught myself because funds for tight (are tight).  I built a website and have our albums available for download, but still haven’t been able to get physical CD’s again.  But, I know we will.  So, back to the story.  God has Himself given us all kinds of songs to be shared at all kinds of places over the years.  From Rock to Jazz to Blues to Country to Funk and a mixture of in between…Fuze, Juze, Blaz.  Even Hymns, done  Love our Country Blues version of Whispering Hope.  Of course, by now, it has probably become Country Blaz! PIMP LOL.  So! We like all styles…and I’m pretty sure He does too.  We don’t just do songs for any certain type or group of people or any age.  We have lots of music that can be shared at church…duh!  It’s about Jesus.  We have 2 Wedding songs…one very sweet and mellow.  We have a funeral/memorial service song  We have Christmas, Easter and love songs.  We even have a few “secular” songs.  Oh, my!  Shocking.  What I’m saying is that the songs choose us and we def know where the songs come from.  Honestly?  We share our hearts…our lives and it all has to do with the Truth.  Our relationship with Him.  I also do not believe there is any certain type of worship that has to done in churches.  It doesn’t have to like on TV church or singing a mellow verse 10 times to build up emotion. That has it’s place sometimes. But, not always.  Not saying it’s not good  because he gave us emotions and I work it up in my own way.  But, I dare to let God bring it out in me.  Not force it. It is His Spirit in me. IN each of us. And we are unqiue worshippers.  I also don’t think a worship song is any certain type.  I don’t even think songs have to be worship or worship has to be songs.  The greatest worship is showing God His value to us by valuing others. My best worship?  Serving with love and alone time with Him. Now, I believe a peppy song can touch a heart, just like a slow song.  Same with instruments.  Lead guitar is no more evil than keys or drums or acoustic guitar.  It’s the heart that plays.  Not the instrument. And the spirit that hears.  And, we do love to strive for excellence…for purring, not purrfection.  We believe practice is just as important as the real gig.  Practice is a gig to us…with our musician peers and God.  I just want to say that our music has never been about getting rich.  Just rich-er…spiritually.  Not about getting fans…getting fantastic friends to share the gift of music and Jesus.  Oh, making a living would be nice, but until then…  We like all kinds of music and have always included all kinds of folks…because we are an “all kinds” kind of band,  I have never begged for our music to be shared…except to God, right?  All musicians beg! PIMP LOL.  We’ve always strived to let the music speak for itself…and speak Truth into lives.  Hope into lives… By sharing the music and letting God do the rest.  So, just consider this article a temporary megaphone!  PIMPLOL. Here’s a link to our website below here right under our band collage. Check us out.  Oh!  And we are looking for a new bass player and drummer. Maybe some other stuff down the road, but right now we are having to get back to needing the the b.a.s.i.c. band!   PIMP LOL. We still love our previous guys but they are too busy to commit any more.  I know God will work things out. As always, click on the picture, for umm...the bigger picture?  That picture is worth umm...13 words?   Have lots of other small articles and a couple ones like this.    K..., so I spoke up, now I shut up!  The megaphone has been stored away!   Hope you have a fun day!  Honestly!      Trace

                             Website b.a.s.i.c.s (the b.a.s.i.c. band)                              

1 comment:

  1. I am so blessed by your music, it speaks to my heart and soul. God bless you guys, you are in my prayers.
    Your sister in Christ,
