Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Hangin' Out With The Boys! Mista Gibson No Les, Jazzy Jackson, Alvarez, Arts Marshall, Mista Fender On A Bender and Mista Samzjamz!

"Hangin' Out With The Boys! Mista Gibson No Les, Jazzy Jackson, Alvarez, Arts Marshall, Mista Fender On A Bender and Mista Samzjamz!" What? Well, I jus' like hangin' out with the guys when I'm frettin'. Sometimes, they are so off the wall (like me). Strings attached. Always in tune with my heart and soul. So, what's my story? Well, it's about hangin' out, of course. See, we went to hang out with some friends the other night. You may remember me posting about Michele and Michael Hriciso. They both work for the Sheriff's Dept. Michele had been in the hospital for over a year and is finally home. Thank you all so much for all the prayers. We went there to show some love and spend some time. To give presence. Anyways, we ended up being the ones getting the presents. One gift was seeing Michele and her family home and together with smiles. Michele is a hero and has come a long way. Mike, her husband is a huge hero also. He remodeled their whole home, while working, taking care of their boy and visiting her every day. He remodeled to prepare for her home-coming and to take care of her. It is amazing. The detail and care brought tears to our eyes. Mike's sister is helping and I know so many behind the scenes. The 2nd gift was some beautiful guitar hangers for our music room. Mike and Michele have always been some of our biggest supporters, musically and friends, and she used to play bass with us in our previous church band. Anyways, I've been recouping myself and trying to make progress. It's slow, but like I said when I fret, I come in the music room. For writing and music and quiet or noise. To be with the boys. Musicians and instruments. And, my God. When I fret or when I don't, I go to him. To stay in tune... To stay in His presence. Take time to hang out with someone this week. Only, no strings attached. Unless, you take along a guitar. DUH LOL PIMP LOL. And, take time to hang out with God. He don't mind if you're off the wall. SIGNED, Hangin' Tough Off The Wall

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