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Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I Love Being Crazy AND I Be Crazy 'bout Loving!

So, this afternoon, I'm still sick, but still no complaints.  I chose to post this "off the wall" album called “The Asylum Choir” cuz it's off our music room wall and cuz that’s the only choir I’m singin’ in after having my butt kicked by sickness and other things.   I mean, who would have me anyways!  Call me crazy, but… Well, just call me crazy cuz!  Cuz, I’m not giving up.  Be singing ’n playin’ again, soon, b.a.s.i.cally.  Havin’ your own band has it crazy percs!  You can be crazy, for one.  Different, for another.  Not rich, for yet another.  And, you'd have to crazy to fire yourself!  Hey!  Wait!  Oh!  And, jus' so you know?  Using the wrong kind of TP can really kick your butt.  And, your nose.  Switched to Kleenex!  Ahhhh… I’ll be back on a roll again, soon!  And, off this roll! PIMP LOL.  One final thought.  I always thought "Clanging Cybals" would be a cool and humorous name for a band or choir.  Because of the meaning.  If we make music, or do anything, and have not love, we are just clanging cymbals.  Would be a humorous and humbling name.  Didn't go over well with a few.  Oh!  A couple people thought it was a great idea, but because of some who didn't get it, it was nixed.  They took it as a personal cut, instead.  That's all!  Have a fun day. Kick butt!  And, never be afraid to be off the wall.  And, never just be a clanging cymbal. 

              Comforted, Loving, And Still Loving Being Crazy

1 comment:

  1. What a cool way to look at things, Trace. Even sick, you are funny and with hope. I pray for your band to get out there... Any choir would be better off with you! Susan
