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Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Friday, February 17, 2012

Look Thru Catty Spectacles OR Be a Catty Spectacle! Who? Me? Ow!

Today's story?  Well, itzabout cats and spectacles and superpowers!  I was looking for some inspiration today, so I dug out my inspiring baby blue sparkly Cat-Eye glasses.  So’s I could see better!  They just make everything seem more purrty!  Except me, right? I look purrty nutty!  I know they are quite out there. But, I’d rather look batty than act catty.  What? Well, someone had said something the other day that made me think “Me? Ow!”   Really!  It was about me and wrong and hurt!  Owah!  So, I was thinking about cattiness and remembered I had these cat eye glasses. You know my train of thought.  It ends up at the caboose a lot!  Well, I always gotta find something good out of something meant for bad.  I was thinking this quietly when I heard the words yesterday.  Yes, it stayed in my head, and off the lips. Miraculously!  Back to what I was thinking.  I thought, “WHAT?@#! I know you didn’t just say that.   Maybe you need to put my cats on to see how catty you’re acting”.  See, the glasses have Catty Vision.  Kind of a super power like ex-ray vision only they see cattiness a mile away.  PIMP LOL.  The glasses will forever make me think of this incident and be my Catty Radar Glasses!  For me, too!  I wanted to say something to defend myself, but didn’t.  I thought “scratch that”!   I realized, in this situation, it wouldn’t be heard over the scratching and clawing.  So, I retracted my claws. (Another super power for some. Mine never seem to work right. They always scratch me instead!).  Anyways, you can see in my photo, I am hiding behind my crazy baby blue sparkly cats.  So I can see.  Quiet confidence in God is a lot more purrty than loud caterwaulin’ about someone else or even yourself.  When you feel like “say what?”, look up!  Pause before you get the claws out on those paws!  Better to look UP thru the catty spectacles than sink DOWN and be a catty spectacle!  Look up, smile, purr and blow a kiss.  Or!   Look down, rile, curse and hiss!  You decide.  Well, that’s a wrap!   No. Really that’s a rap.   It rhymes.  You know you wanna go back and rap it.  Go ahead.  I did!  In closing, you can mark your territory to keep everyone out or mark your world to let others see in! But, mark my word? Check out God’s Word.  He lets everyone in!  And, He's the only Super Power you need!  So, have a fun day and get your cat on.  I mean yo glasses, not yo plastic!  Be real.  Be real nice… It’s good furr you…  And, them!    Oh! And, the song for today?  "Cat Scratch Fever", of course!  ♫ Cat Scratch Fever..wa wah wa wah! Cat Scratch Fever..wa wah wa wah!! ♫ You know you just sang it with the guitar sounds too! PIMP LOL.  Now, go make a spectacle of yourself.  Cuz, it's better that a cat got your tongue, than you "got a catty tongue"! Just sayin'!    Trace