Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Monday, September 3, 2012

Reign in the Rain!

When you’re crying the blues over the storms and that's all you can see, let it rain music. You’ll C that’s the key! You don't have to be sharp cuz you've fallen flat on your face. We all have. Seriously! Get up! You CAN reign IN the rain! Al-rightD, then! Have a fun day. B thankful. Cuz, C, that's the Key! Me? I B thankful God gave us music. God sets the music. Music sets the tone. How you handle the rain sets the tune! Oh! And, I know I don't need to explain the collage. Hate it being me, but I'm available. 1st shot is cloud glasses and blue rain tears, 2nd is storm glasses, 3rd is music glasses with a key. G, you get it! Love you guys for loving me...  Trace

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