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Friday, September 7, 2012

Tending To! Tender OR Tenuous? Or, Ten2U&us?

“Tending To! Tender OR Tenuous? Or, Ten2U&us?” What? Just a story about my new word and a li’l more about my life story. Still sick in bed, but wanted to share a story. I apologize for it being longer than usual. What? I didn’t write for 4 days! It'll make me feel better to write it and have you stop by. So! Do you tend to tend to others or do you tend to tend to you? Ten to one you tend to you. Human nature. What? A lot of us live in our own little world and tend to us. You know? Me, myself and I. That US! Kind of tenuous about caring for others when we should be tender. Kind of weak about it. Kind of oblivious to others around us. I say be attenduous (attend u & us) and tend to us, not just you. Tend2 U & us! And not be tenuous (weak) about it! God’s nature is tending to us. So, how did I come up with this? Being sick, of course. My daughter was sick and I was tending to her and then I came down with fever, nausea, etc. With all I have had, sometimes, its hard to tell what I have. On top of all my other stuff. It’s quite hard for even the Dr.’s to attend to me. And, with no insurance, they don’t get to. PIMP LOL. A lot of you know that I tend to get sick quite often. It’s not that I don’t take care of myself. In fact, I am diligent about it. My body is just at war. It’s a battle and I won’t give up the fight. I have had some judge me and say things or guess or even believe gossip! What!!! Yes, believe gossip. But, the truth is that I had an extremely rare disease that I battled since I was a kid and was only figured out in the past 7 years. I ended up having a Vagus Nerve surgery to cut the nerves from my brain to my stomach. No, not the Vegas where you go and gamble and party, but I felt like I was gambling with my life. Well, what happens in vagus, stays in vagus. Or, so I thought. PIMP LOL. What? Gotta have humor about it. I always say that I might not have a stomach, but I got a lot of guts! Well, anyways, many other surgeries and blood transfusions and many other tortuous ways to “help”. Ended up with a cancer surgery to save my life. Ironically, it was a surgery they give stomach/pancreatic cancer patients in their last 6 months to give them pain free last few months of their life. I even had to do conference calls with other hospitals to give my results. It was hard talking to patients that were dying because when I awoke from the last operation, I was told this by my team of Dr.’s. “You are the 1st patient we can say that you will live a bit longer. Won’t be easy without a regular stomach or intestines. We really don’t know what to expect.” And, to this day, I still don’t know what to expect with this body. I never know if it’s just a flu bug or my sugar or my nervous system or what. Because, nothing else works well without a stomach. Health affects everything in your life. Go figure. Even a car knows when it’s out of gas. PIMP LOL. So, yes, I tend to put up with too much or the opposite and get scared more or feel desperate. So, yes, it’s up and down for me. And, yes, I also tend to depend on God a lot. But, each time, I become less tenuous in my fight. And, finally, yes, I will choose to hopeful and humorous. Cuz, that’s how I am attenduous. Attending to u & us! Yes, I may be weak sometimes, even, today. Still very sick and blurry, maybe from the fever or the tears. But, one thing I am clear on? God is never tenuous in attending to us. He’s always tender. Yes, we must tend to ourselves and to life, in general, also. So go tend. Have an enjoyable weekend. Tend to others and I tend to think you will! Tenderly attenduous, Trace

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