Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Thursday, October 25, 2012


“OFF OUR NOODLES AND PASTA CARING!” So, today’s’ story is about Lasagna and Mamas and caring, of course! I have 2 stories to tell that happened on my weekly excursion to the grocery store with my mother-in-law, Helen, this morning. We were at the express checkout line at the store when this guy expressed with his eyes that he was checking me out. I expressly checked out my groceries, myself and my mother-in-law! Then, we laughed! I like to make her laugh at the grocery store. We even had a man on one of the aisles say that he always sees us having a good time at the store every week. And, admires us for not caring what others think. I told him I was way past that many years ago. I just be me, always. It's easier to keep track of one person. Anyways, he’s checking us out, too. Only, our hearts and humor! Might as well have a good time. Even at the store. Even when everything is not perfect in life. With the whole world watching. Express yourself. You might get checked out. Oh! And, while we were checking out our items for my home-made 666 Lasagna I am making for my mother-in-law’s 90 birthday this weekend, we have a second incident to write about. By the way, she runs circles around us and takes care of the whole fam. Anyways, I call it 666 Lasagna because I use 6 pounds of meat, 6 pounds of cheese and 6 layers! AND! It will tame the beast in any one. So, we’re putting the stuff on the checkout thing that moves when the bottom fell out of one of the boxes of lasagna noodles and I automatically grabbed and caught ALL of them! Yes! All of the noodles. It was hilarious. Of course, we got another box, but not until everyone was laughing. I told them I always think outta the box. Even with my lasagna! PIMP LOL. They def thought we were off our noodles. Having a bad day or sick like me? Get pasta that! No need to be a wet noodle! We both were not feeling well and tired, but decided to have fun and be off our noodles. I’ve been known to be a li’l saucy and cheesy and make people laugh when needed. PIMP LOL. Think outta the box. The noodles did! Oh! And, I know if my Mama lived close by, we’d be having a blast the store, too. Love your Mama’s and Mama-in-laws!! Cherish your time with them! And, Mamas/Mamas-in-laws? Let your kids love on you! You take care of us. We take care of you. Because, while we should get pasta caring about what others think of us, we should never get pasta caring for each other. Okay! Gotta go do some more resting and cooking. So I can get pasta this sickness. Signed, a Mama who loves to take care of and a Daughter who loves to be taken care of! Trace

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