Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Yes, M.A.M.

“Yes, m.a.m.! I CAN make a mark!” Today’s story is about smudges, marks and fingerprints. Yes, m’am, it is! So, as I opened the microwave door this morning, I grabbed the washrag and wiped it off, like usual. It’s a habit. The microwave is aluminum and very shiny. So, every time we open and close it, I wipe. Yes. I wipe! The smudges and marks and fingerprints don’t seem to bother anyone else, but me. Guess that’s how we should handle helping others. By making a mark on them, but wiping the slate clean. Or, in this case? The microwave! PIMP LOL. I don’t really mind the microwave thing. I was always like that, even as a kid. I could see a picture a micro-hair off or walk in a room and observe the smallest thing. With people, too. Inside and outside of them. But, other places or people don’t bother me. Only my own. I always felt like more was expected of me because I notice things. So, when someone asks me to do something, I say “yes, m.a.m. Yes, I want to make a mark, m.a.m.” What? That’s my home-made acronym, again. Always, reminds me to make a mark, even the smallest smudge or fingerprint can give someone a clue that you care. Yes, ma’am! I used to spend a lot of time keeping things perfect. Until, I got very sick and I had to make very diff priorities. And, losing some of my vision helped. When you can’t see it, it doesn’t bother you. Now, that can be good and that can be bad. See? PIMP LOL. Anyways, I can’t see marks or smudges on the fridge or the other objects that aren’t glass or aluminum and I’m not picky anymore about cleaning everyday and vacuuming and all because I wanna make a mark. But, just not on the microwave! PIMP LOL. That microwave is my one holdout. I can’t let it go. So, that mark? I wipe! I wanna leave my mark in someone’s life not on my microwave. Sometimes, we leaves smudges, sometimes, marks, and sometimes fingerprints in someones’s life. So they know we’ve been there, and WILL be there. And, even leave a clue as where to find us or answers. It may even be a footprint behind them to have their backs. Or beside them. Just make sure it’s not ON them! PIMPLOL. Oh! And, notice in the photo, the reflection of all the things around the microwave. They show up in and on the microwave. Jus’ sayin’! Just like our fingerprints and smudges and marks. Sometimes, you may even have to wipe the microwave clean for someone. I mean, slate! Oh! Notice the time? It's M.A.M. time, always! And, my fingerprints are blues. What other color? PIMP LOL. So! Yes m.a.m. Hope I’ve left a mark here. Maybe a smudge? Just a reflection? Every time someone asks you to help with something, say yes m.a.m. And, make a mark!!! Unless it’s a man. Then say yes, sir. Reflectionately yours, Trace

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you make "many marks" in your everyday life. You seem to be the kind of person to always look for the best in folks, and always willing to lend a hand. For me personally, you make a mark on me every time I hear you sing, and every time I get a message from you. Bless you, my friend <3
