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Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Friday, November 2, 2012

Bill Collectors vs. Thought Collectors

“Bill Collectors vs. Thought Collectors!” What? This is my battle story, sort of. Keeping it short because I’m still not well from the worst fever/bug I've ever had. Here goes: Never ever talk to a bill collector when you are very sick and have a sinus headache and terrible toothache. Even if you’re trying to do the right thing. For one, it hurts. And, for two? It hurts. Yes, he threatened me and so I had to speak which hurt my tooth and my pride. And, just to be clear, I was trying to pay a bill in these hard times, and was told it was better for me to either: 1) pay twice the amount or, 2) don’t pay and get government help! On the 1st piece of threatening advice? That is impossible and ridiculous. And on the 2nd piece of advice? That is ridiculous and impossible…for me. I take pride in trying to live what I believe. I believe it’s time for me to go back to bed and collect some rest. Yes, I remained calm, cool and collected while having intense conversating with a bill collector. Yes, I am a thought collector. And, yes… Only a few tears shed. What? I never meant to make him cry. PIMP LOL. Just kidding, He made me cry. Only cuz I’m sick and in pain. And, I thought I was in pain before! PIMP LOL. Love you guys for loving me and caring for me while I’m sick. Yes, I am a thought collector. My calm, cool, collected thoughts for today? Walk what you talk! And, always walk way more than you talk. And, though it's good to collect thoughts, you don't always have to dispaly them in a lighted showcase cabinet. Right? You know what I mean! Like we do our collectible figurines and such. I had Hummels.  From my Grandma when she went to heaven.  Which I had to sell to get my life-saving surgery.  Very difficult to do. Anyways, not everything needs to be on display. Off to lay back down and collect my thoughts. Oh! And, someone asked about the photo? It was taken on Saturday during my 2 days of feeling better. Thankful for those 2 days. Looking forward to more. Remember, to win a battle, stay calm, cool and collected. Trace

1 comment:

  1. beautiful story from a beautiful Lady...<3 Most bill collectors are a certain breed they have no compassion....! Our business is one where we don't judge and treat folks like we would want to be treated. Good ole golden rule do unto others what you would want done unto you. Tracy just ask God to bless those and give them what they deserve. Whatsoever a man sowa so shall he reap...! <3
