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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Kaleidoscoping With Your Kids or Collide O’Scoping?

“Kaleidoscoping With Your Kids or Collide O’Scoping?” What? Well, you’ve looked into kaleidoscopes, right? You just keep turning them to see different views. The different pieces in there collide to make cool looking beautiful designs! I called them “collide o’scopes! And, today’s story is about teaching your kids your values and voting! Both, without without colliding. So, here we go... Voting may look like a kaleidoscope. Only sometimes, the colliding doesn’t look so pretty. Especially as you sift thru the turns and views of each candidate and each amendment and align them with your heart. Not a specific agenda. The total package for America. Truth! Yes, we want views for our faith, our economy and how we view government, to line up with our voting. Not collide! This has been the worse toughest four years we have ever had for our family and for America. I think my last vote collided with other voters because I did not win. And, neither did our country! So, we persevered! That’s all I need to say. But, we do our best… We, as a family pray together and play together. And, now we shall vote together. We’ve sat down and gone through each candidate and amendment and issues with out 18 year old daughter for several months now. Yes, we align our beliefs with our politics and our daughter has always known what we feel and believe. And, vice versa. And, I am so proud of her values. Of all 3 of our kids values. We have 3 kids who's hearts and minds are in the right place. And they use them both. To serve and love and think for themselves. We don’t force, just teach and live it. And, pray they see it. Speaking from your heart about truth can be like a kaleidoscope. A beautiful thing, But, speaking from our knowledge only can be a collide o’scope! Takes knowledge, truth and love to live. And, to vote for our country and our values! Yes, voting with your daughter is a beautiful thing! Like looking through a kaleidoscope. Our views, our love and our hearts collide in a beautiful way. We do our best as parents and our kids know our hearts. And, we know theirs. So, any way, we turn the kaleidoscope, until it goes the way we like and looks beautiful as we teach our kids and live life. It may take some turning of it to find just the right view we like and believe in and can live with without colliding. Without giving up. Same with the voting kaleidoscope. If we don’t want it to be a collide o’scope, it may take some turning of it to find just the right view we like and believe in and can live with and hope others do too. Just can’t give up and just gotta change the view, in love and truth, so it aligns and goes our way. Hope the election does! PIMP LOL. Off to collide and kaleid! Oh! And, take time to share your heart and your values with your kids and listen to theirs. It's a cool thing. Like kaleidoscopes. Not saying you'll never collide o'scope, but if you do? Collide with hearts! Abd, minds.   Trace

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