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Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Can’t Have Much To Eat, But Have Much To Chew On!

“Can’t Have Much To Eat, But Have Much To Chew On!” So, what am I thankful for? Well, for this little thing that is big to me: I am one step closer to getting better. You see, I love meat, but didn’t realize that it was starting to shut down my organs and cause so many different problems. My body was slowly shutting down. Without a normal stomach, I literally can’t stomach meat. PIMP LOL. I actually love it so much and love to cook, but I have to give it up. For the last 2 years, I have been struggling with pneumonia and Pleurisy and nervous system difficulty and so many symptoms with the heart and kidney and liver, etc. I can’t take meds, so I’ve spent every day writing down what I ate and what resulted. Too much for a single Dr. to try to figure out, and we don’t have insurance. So I play detective and Dr. Sort of a Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson combined. Always researching and finding clues. Anyways, to make a long story a little shorter? I have been off meat 3 days and some of the pain is gone and my legs and kidneys and heart have already noticed a difference. Today is the first day I have had in years where my body and heart and lungs and insides were not trembling or malfunctioning. Most times others can’t tell on the outside. I can hardly contain my hope and joy. I know I have a long way to go with sugar nervous system and dizziness, and tomorrow could be worse with my body, but for today, I am so incredibly thankful. It has been a very tough and sometimes a weary and lonely journey with still more ahead. And, speaking of journey? I hope to actually be able to journey further from my home area and visit my parents and best friends and do many many more gigs. I have tears even writing this… I have had many times where I felt better and thought it was over, so I am cautious and not naive, but this time feels different. And, I know all the prayers have been medicine directly from you to God and God to me. I have gone without every kind of food on earth. But, never without the food from heaven. And, I know… It seems ironic to find out I can’t eat meat on Thanksgiving, but what ever I need to do to never feel this way again is what I’m all about. God is my strength and my perseverance and my meat. While I cannot have much to eat, I have much to chew on today. Love you guys and keep those prayers and love coming. God hears them and I feel them! For now? I eat little earth food, but enjoy much of the food from heaven! It sustains me. Okay, now I just thought of a joke while writing this: While the food of earth stains, the food of heaven sustains! Oh! And, my other food? It, too, is from heaven. Singing… “tis the only medicine I know that comes OUT of you to heal. ‘tis also from God. Ahh…food from heaven! Trace

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