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Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Saturday, November 3, 2012

I'm one of THOSE kinds of girls!

Yes, I’m one of “THOSE” people.

Humorously Hopeful
Oddball Faith Freak (OFF)
Soul Singer
Eclectically Eccentric & Electric

There! It’s out. I’m one of those girls! No! Not that kind! This kind! In other words? Or, I should say in other letters! PIMP LOL. I am one of THOSE girls. I love acronyms, I am a little old fashioned and love antiques and classic heavy solid cars, I also love computers and modern stuff, I wear my feelings on my sleeves right above my fingerless gloves, I write humor and hope real stories, I’m different, I sing and I’m an open book. Which is not done being written yet. My book has a spine and its sturdy blue leather cover of protection is worn from reading and writing and drawing pictures in it. It opens up to tattered pages of life. It def has those pop-out pages that fold back in. Gotta have depth! And, it has lots of color. You will know it is my book by its cover and its inside contents. You will def know what I stand for immediately. So, anyways, be one of those people that stand out and stand up and simply stand for something. Whatever your “T H O S E” stands for? Capitalize on it! PIMP LOL. Be real. Make the most of your gifts, work hard and be thankful. Make your life pop out. In color. And, yes, I’m one of those acronym people. That even has an acronym in an acronym. ThOSE and OFF! PIMP LOL. Have a fun weekend. Resting and praying for strength and health to stand up, stand out and stand for something. I want my life to pop out. And, be in color. Yep! Wanna be one of THOSE kinds of girls. Even, when life is tough. Even when I'm sick, like now. And, even when I lose my book-marker and forget what page I'm on. That's when I go to another Author. The author and perfecter of my faith! When I'm tired and lost and can't draw the next chapter in my book, I draw close to Him. So, what does your "T H O S E" stand for? Love you guys.    Trace

1 comment:

  1. Thank the Lord for "those kind of girls"! Tracy, you are a delightful person to know and a sweet soul! ~ And, I kinda like the way you sing too! <3
