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Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Saturday, January 28, 2012

♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥ Just Singin' My Hearts Out! Against All Odds, Even Now!

So, I usually write up a story off the cuff about something going on that day in my heart or in my head or somewhere out there!  Today?  Been thinking alot about music.  And, the rollercoaster I go on with it.  It's def a ride!  Anyways, I wanted to share the music side of me.  I do love all kinds and I have been singing forever.  But, was always too afraid to tell anyone, unless I was drinking or doing drugs.  I stepped in my first church in my 20's and accepted Christ in faith and that faith is still growing.  I started playing guitar and then singing and writing.  Played in a band called "Shepherd's Heart (Rock The Flock)".  Then, I got very ill and had many surgeries to save my life.  They told me I would probably never be able to sing, let alone live very long.  When, I realized I had nothing to lose, I decided to give singing a try again.  Besides?  I kept feeling a pull in my soul to sing.  No matter how much I thought how crazy that would be, I just couldn't not sing!  When you get a soul pull, yank or tug?  You gotta listen.  So, I did.  Against all odds of the world.  Because with God all things are possible.  Knowing that?  Is my "even" power.  When I feel at odds with everything and everyone, "even" then I know He is my strength.  I'm not one of those very confident girls at all, but I do know who gives me my everything.  Of that?  I AM confident!  And, I still have a lot to learn and maybe even re-learn.  I lost alot of memories and even the years I sang I can't remember...from seizures.  I haven't had one in 3 years and I am learning to build from where I'm at.  Experience is a great confidence and talent builder, and I couldn't remember much.  But, in my experience with God?  He can build on anything.  Use anything or anyone.  My fave person He uses?  My daughter, Garnet Rose.  She is the one in the photo playing guiat.  She is an awesome singer.  The photo was taken about 10 years ago.  Can't wait to see her gift of music in the years to come.  She's been singing even before she could talk.  We even used to sing our grocery list at the store.  I just had that memory from seeing this photo.  With all that said and knowing the world's odds, I still feel compelled to share what God has put in our hearts and souls and minds, even now.  Both words, photograph art, video art and music!  Stop by our website, even now!  It'd be odd if you didn't.  Here's the link: www.basic

Oh!  And that was just me...singing my hearts out! 
Have a fun weekend, everyone. Sing your hearts out!  Even now!  No one will think it odd! PIMP LOL.     Trace


  1. Love the story Tracy, yes God test our strength in many ways as you personally know this and I do too and countless others. As for your voice of song, that is on solid ground.
    I’m always a fan to hear you sing

    1. Thanks, Jim, for stopping by and for your kind comments. Tracy
