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Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bears And Prepositions And Mouse Cheese

On the news this morning, I heard about this crazy law about bears and it got me thinking about how we deal with the bears in our life… animals and humans and  even those days that are bears or trials that can be a bear.  You know what I'm talkin' 'bout.  I've often said, "Man!  That's a bear of a job or that yard work is gonna be a bear after weeks of no mowing.  PIMP get it.  Anyway, back to the news. The story went something like this:  A bear was climbing over the fence and eating the bird seed in the feeder and anything else.  To make a short story shorter…here’s the end of the story: in our neighborhood, I guess it’s against the law to shoot a bear in your own backyard “until” he is attacking you.  Wrong preposition…I think they meant ‘before” he is attacking you.   Right?  If he is attacking me, let’s see…I’m dead?   Grin and bear it?  NO.  And I love bears…at a distance or on TV or all fluffy and stuffy lying around my daughter’s bedroom or the house.  But, alive and in my back yard?  Nutha story!  My definition of “until” is different for bears…  Speaking of prepositions, I learned about those from a most wonderful teacher in Pennsylvania.  She told me that anything a mouse can do to a big chunk of that holey Swiss cheese? You know!  Like "in", "up", "around"...and the list goes "on" and "on"...  Get it?  Those are prepositions!  I never forgot that.  I can see it in my head.  Funny the things that fill up that holey head of ours.  Cheesy!  But, really, the whole idea of a preposition is to place something before…BEFORE!  Right!  Prepose a set of words or something.  Like: to put “out” the light!  Good choice of prepositional phrases, cuz it’s either his light being put out or mine.  PIMP LOL…  So, my preposition for bear is not “until” he attacks, but “before” he attacks, so I can live to talk about it “after”, right?  I can live to do some more prepositions…like, walk “around” the back yard, go “through” the back yard, or “into” the yard.  How ‘bout “to” the back yard.  I’d be “out” of my mind if I waited “until” it attacked.  I would also be “under” ground and “over” and “out”.   Speaking of “over” and “out”?   I’m gone.  Got lots of R&R (recording and resting) to take care “of” today!  Cuz, I’m “into” music and we’ve been sick “around” here, so I’m “up” for some rest.  I'm "behind" on all that stuff!   “Upon” completion of reading this blog post and “before” you go on “with” the rest of your day…remember…  If you are having one “of” those days…or came “across” a bear of a person…grin!  And bear it!  Prepose the growling.  Don’t wait “until” the person growls…smile “before” that happens!   That will chase “off” the bear in most humans.  A smile will cut right “to” the heart and through all the tough skin and fluff.  Now, “paws” for a minute…  I bet you remember prepositions now…TNT LOL PIMP    Have a fun day!  I couldn’t bear it if you didn’t!!!!      Trace

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