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Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How Much Mighty Might You Have?

Speaking of might and much?  Might not have much of a stomach?  But, I have much guts and a mighty God!  We tend to think and dwell on what we have little of…  I lost most of my stomach and other parts and nerves from life-saving surgeries.  Sometimes, I have to remind myself?  Though, I don't have a normal stomach? I got a lot of guts…and God is still mighty.  The photo above this blog post I call "Etch A Sketch...a trace of Trace".  Anyway, this is how I imagine myself without all the scars and flaws and all. You know? What's inside me. I don't mean my insides like the lack of stomach or other parts, but this photo is what my soul feels and looks like...this is what music and much and mighty make me feel safe place! In His shelter.  Where I can search and find the things I have much of...the mighty things.   So, what might you have much of?  Have a mighty, mighty, mighty fine night!  PIMP LOL TNT

1 comment:

  1. I've got a little friend up in SD that had major surgery at about two years old: new stomach and I believe, upper and lower intestine.
