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Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Bend...don't get bent! (Last Airbender)

Enjoyed watching Last Airbender. Used to watch it with my girl. Only thing they didn’t cover? Was bending the mind. We have enough of that with my blog posts, right? So, lessons on the elements? Get things aired out without a lot of hot air. Be down to earth so you can be of heavenly use. Don’t water down the truth. Get fired up on life. Final Bender thought? Bend…don’t get bent. Though, I'm bent on having a fun do the same...  ♥&^, Trace


  1. The movie really put me in a nice place... I have lost so many memories from a big seizure, etc. And this movie tonight? Seem to bring back a lovely time when the 2 of us would watch the cartoon after school. Thank you God! So much for all the little things that are so big to me.

  2. Heyyyy Tracy girl... I'm so happy to see you over here. I had no idea you were a part of Blogspot too. Come visit my writings some time too if you have the time. But mostly, keep it blue, baby! Bflatblues55 (aka Weary Hag, aka Carol, aka Bflat) Is that enough AKAs for ya?
