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Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Breaking Chains, See-Saws And SUDS! See?

Breaking chains can be good! Just not on saws! Chain saws, that is!  I didn't saw that coming! PIMP LOL... Not even from the vantage point of sitting on the see-saw in the back yard watching him saw... See?  Ok… so, here’s the story:  Storms rarely hit us here. We live in a pocket or alley that all the weather goes around. No matter what the weather… whether it's tornado weather or hurricanes or just rain. Just goes around us and sucks us dry here.  But, we did get two.  One back in 2004 and just Tuesday night (01-25-11).  Probably, the very moment I was humorously describing to someone how we live in a pocket and when storms come around here? We don't get them. Funny, huh?  Perfect timing.  We saw the branches down after we got home that night from playing some music, but we didn't realize all the damage and work to be done until the next day.   First I must say that as I stepped outside in the rain that we never get…I stepped into calf deep water.  NO problem.  Love the rain.  Had my boots on.  So, I was telling everyone that all we usually get around this street are the leftover suds....not rain or storms. My acronym for: Sucks Us Dry Storms. SUDS.  But this time?  As you can see from the photo right here in the pocket?  The weather was in the pocket, alright...ours.  So, today we are attempting to clean it all up.  I am going out on a limb here to say? The funny thing was?  Both of our saws broke, so we had to do it all by hand.  You know?  Make do!  Become handy!!!   Not only did the chains on our saws break, but the chains of our mess.  Once, we did a little creative work on the hand saw.  A little persistence, creativity and hard work will break the chains of most problems… see?  That along with prayer once you’ve realized the problem and asked for help.  I know…you saw that one coming.   We had to realize we had problem to clean up in the back yard and pray about it before we could do anything about it. Sometimes, even, some chains?  Require forgiveness or forgiving.  It’s the only way to handle anything.  At least that's my way.  And I have had my share of chains in my life.  I have had some mighty battles and still more to come.  Addictions, health...and many others.  We all have them.  The good news?  Is we have “The Good News” to battle them.  And all the tools we need to break the chains of our lives.  We have God and each other.  Can’t forget ourselves.  That is one of our biggest tools.  It starts with us.  Have a fun day.  Break some chains today.  Branch out and help someone today. Hint...hint!   This would have been perfect for my Tree hugging post...PIMP LOL... Rather than wait until someone drops in with a chainsaw or help, we'll keep working while we hope.  Both are needed!  See?  It’s up to us.  We have to break our own chains.  This is a last minute thought about addiction problems:  Do the don'ts! We all have 'em...addictions and habits…chains. Some bad ones made me realize what the verse "having the mind of Christ" can do to change you…to help you break those chains. I couldn't know or have His mind if I wasn't in my control of my own...PIMP LOL. I used to call my will to live life? A pill will. Give me a pill...and I will. Just sayin’…break the chains… Yes, it’s tough… Be tougher. There are many links that connect together to make a chain. You might have to work on 8 different links to get it worked out. But, breaking that first link? Will unbind the whole chain from you. The rest of the links take time. You know how if you have chain necklace that is tangled, you can take some tools and spread one of the links apart to make it become just a piece of chain… not circular where it can’t hang around your neck anymore. And sometimes choke you. Same idea here. Like in the photo above where I am wearing the blue necklace.  Like that necklace with a clasp on it. We hang it around our neck and close the chain clasp…taking it on and off when we want. Our choice. That’s addiction. As long as we have a clasp on our chain, we keep picking it up and putting it back on when want. We have to crush the chain clasp or the first link. The one that holds it all together and chokes us.  Our links can get so tangled up that it's hard to even see the chain.  Right?  My first link or chain clasp to break a chain? Realizing the problem, untangling the mess, deciding to do something about it and prayer. No if and’s or but’s…no matter how tough. That is what it takes to break it. Wow! Didn’t know this was going to lead here today. But, glad it did. I didn’t “saw” that coming…even from my vantage point of the see-saw in the back yard! PIMP LOL!   Don't forget to comment or leave reactions or click the photos for the bigger picture.   The first picutre at the top left?  Me during the storm...loving it...made me feel all those colors...electrifying!!  TNT LOL...  You get the chainsaw and the chains, and my country girl see-saw.  Photo at the bottom right?  Feeling chained!  Stop by some other of my articles.  I am putting two up today because my old team from the Space Center is taking me to Kelsey's for pizza tomorrow so I am taking off a day from writing and singing tomorrow.  I think.  If it's possible!   Also?  Scroll through my other articles.  There are some cool ads for winning a house and money from DIY and HGTV and freebies and coupons and goodies...and of course, good reading.   Now, that's all.  Go break some chains...not some saws...  See?     Trace!

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