Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Palm Trees, Apples To Apples And Tree Huggers All Have This In Common? Hmmm...sappy? PIMP LOL... FLexible!

Ever play the game “Apples To Apples”?  We love it and play it quite often when anyone comes over and many of our friends play it.  So, how did I come up with this post today?  Well, I came across a lovely photo of a tree that my friend, Heather, snapped.  I copied it and voila!  My mind started bending and here is the rest of the sappy story I'll call "Flexible".  So, we were playing Apples to Apples and came across the green card titled “flexible”.   In case,  you haven’t played, the green card is the subject card…and the red cards in your hand are your choices you have to lay down for that subject.  There is no wrong answer.  One person, each round, takes turn being the judge and picking out the answer they like.  It can be funny, ludicrous, opposites, anything goes.  Very flexible game.  Speaking of flexible...back to the story…  So, after looking at my 7 red cards and coming up with nothing…I got my mind-bending going and a bit of Tracy humor.  Yes!  I decided to use the “Tree Hugger” card.  Why, you ask?  Well, let’s just say that I am going out on a "limb" here to say that tree huggers are quite limber.  Just to get their arms and legs around the lumber?  Why...they have to be limber!  You know?  Flexible and all that!  There ya go!  Works perfect for that card.  Of course, what do you think the next round green card was?  "Sappy"!  Would have worked for that, too.  PIMP LOL TNT...  K...back to flexible.  That gets me thinking about some things that I am trying to work out.  I guess I better be a little more flexible or I’m gonna break.  You know?  Bend…don’t break!  That thought took my mind back to a certain day...I can actually see this day in my mind...I remember seeing palm trees for the very first time when we moved to Florida in 19backintheday.  I thought to myself…  What kind of crazy vacation state are moving to?   I wanna go home.  I came from the hills and countryside of Pennsylvania.  When I saw those tall palm trees just kind of waving in the sky…I imagined they were waving good bye to me…not hello!  PIMP LOL.  I found it uncool compared to the woods and farmland I was used to and loved.   But, looking back at that memory of those palm trees my first day in Cocoa Beach and Merritt Island, I see how majestic God is and how majestic are His creations.  Not breaking…just bending and going with the flow of Merritt Island, Florida weather and life.  Those palm trees were telling me to bend and go with it...He had plans.  Those palm trees still tell us…show us…how to live.  Without so much as a word.   Wrap yourself around that today.  Sometimes, we go against the wind...instead of with the wind...which reminded me of one of my all-time fav songs by Bob Seger, "Against The Wind".   See?  Another cool memory!  Look at the photo above to the right...says it on it for the bigger more ways than one...TNT LOL.  I should have typed in white...for that photo.  Anyway, that song came to me in a split second.  My "mother-board" must be working fine this morning.  All that memory on the hard drive is nice.  PIMP LOL...  And just the capability of being able to see those memories in our minds and feel them in our souls...well, that is an incredible gift from God.  You can all see how songs are like that, too.  They capture memories and store them for our computers.  To retrieve when we don't want to break...just bend a little....go with the wind.  Where do you think all the ideas came from for inventions like computers, etc.?  Or thoughts we come up with?  Even my ideas for writing and singing?  Well, seeing God and His wondrous works around us and in us...that's where!  That gets in us and we get to  thinking and get creative and...well, you know.  We learn from the best.  It's easy to never get too big of head when coming up with cool ideas...because He came up with it first.  Just gotta look.  Our part?  Listen and watch all His creation...bend, don't break...learn and create!, have a day wrapped around all that cool stuff around you and in you.  You are also wondrously made!  Give yourself a break?  Bend!!!  Be flexible.  Go out on a limb for someone today! more thought to leave you with?  Here is my other funny "Apples To Apples" green card of the day:  "Powerful". And I chose to lay down "Black Socks"...right?  They never get dirty...and the longer you wear them? The stronger and more powerful they get!  Be powerful...TNT LOL...bend, don't break!  Be like the palms trees below in the last photo, they are bending while God commands the wind.  Bend instead of breaking...command your life today!!!    And don't forget to click on the photos for a better look at know?  The bigger picture and all that stuff!  Plus, don't forget to comment and click on the reactions.  That is a daily count and goes away each evening.  So, when you look at new posts?  Stop by some of the older ones...every little bit helps.  The ad people like to know how many creatures stop by.  I appreciate all of you for bending with me as I learn all this stuff.       Trace

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of Cocoa Beach and moving here...I have had several emails with other people remembering things from reading this post. Like the Barn Theatre on Merritt Island and lots of other great memories. Thanks, everyone.
