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Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Collaging Without Collagen! Puttin’ Some Pants On Enhance! More Puff For Your Fluff! Now, don’t give me any lip!!

Collaging Without Collagen!  Puttin’ Some Pants On Enhance!  Puff For Your Fluff!  Those are my titles for today’s thoughts and stories.  Now, don’t give me any lip!!  Especially a puffed up one! PIMP LOL!  Just kidding.  My lips might not be big and puffy, but I got enough and they are sealed!  TNT LOL.  I am going for the lighter side and some humor again tonight! This is actually my Friday’s post but, I have a meeting and lunch with my old team from the Space Center, so I am putting it up early, so I can take off tomorrow and try not to think, right? And this goes right along with the body piercing post from yesterday…which, if you haven’t read?  Stop in after this.  Just right below this one and the chains post.  Of course, read them all…for some fun!  I don’t mind.  And I’m not being puffed up. Just sayin’!   So, I was looking for a little home-made humor with hope while I was in the middle of  making a photo collage and thinking about all the creating and art you can do with photos now…you know? Enhancements!  That got me thinking about physical enhancements and on and on.  My collage photo?  I was putting together photos that depict different aspects of my life.  I did just a little framing, tinting, B&W art, penciling, antiquing, creating…in other words?  A little bit of enhancing to all of it to make it more pleasing, but no photographic collagen!  You know?  Trying to make it look so much better that it looks fake!  Instead of creative and better.  Enhanced, not fake…more puff for your fluff!  PIMP LOL!  You know?  Some people like to feel all fluffy and pretty and collagen helps some feel that way....they don’t mind a little puffy to get all the fluffy…after.  And I’m not being puffed up, either, as in ego-y, when I say that I like to enhance myself so I can look as best I can and feel good about myself, just no fake stuff…PIMP LOL…just being sarcastic here.  Who are we kidding?  Every single one of us has different ways of enhancing!  And, I’m not for or against collagen for others, either in real life, or in photography…just not me.  I’ve had so many surgeries and meds and needles to save my life years back, that my body, nor I, can’t stand any more surgeries or pills or creams or reactions or anything.  So, I have to do everything in other ways.  Some creativity mixed with hope!   Yes…here’s hoping no one looks as close as I do.  PIMP LOL…  We all use enhancements of some sort…hair color, make-up, clothes, and all sorts of things.  Some good…some not so.  So, as I was putting some collages of my life together that represent all my hats I wear?  I was thinking of life in the same way.  Is it a Character Collage or is it a Collagen Collage…plastic, fake…all puffed up…like collagen?  Or enhanced to let the inner beauty come through?   I know collagen treatments can puff you up…and just like in other parts of your life? Enhancements can puff you up.  It’s okay to enhance yourself and be a more confident you, but how do you know the difference?  “Confident without incident” is how I know.  Without making someone else feel bad.  Not at the expense of someone else.  You know?  You just feel better…not better than!   And, to me?  If it is pleasing to God and makes you feel more yourself and makes you “feel better”, not “better than” everyone else, then it’s a good thing.  Enhancements are different for each one of us….and there are unique reasons for each one.  God knows our heart…that’s the good news…and the bad news.  I have enough to handle keeping myself right with God…that I won’t judge anyone else.  We all have our reasons why we do the things we do.  For me?  I am working towards a collage that is real, an Uncorrupted Character Collage that is true to me…not a Collagen Collage…spiritually speaking.  It’s okay to adorn what we need to, like I said, to feel better…just not better than.  But our hearts?  No adornment needed there.  If each box of the collage represents a different part of my life, say…a box for physical…   a box for emotions, a box for health, hobbies, career, service, family, church and God!  What do they say about me?  Or you?   I mean, everyone has boxes of their life collage than can be fake, if we let it, obviously…and some?  Not so obvious.  Enhancements?  Yes they can be good for us.  Spiritually, too.  We do stuff that enhances our experience with God and others.  Music, prayer, service, quietness, dancing, writing, etc., taking time, loving…are just some of the things that enhance our spirit box…which seeps into some of the other boxes and colors them, too  You know, on the collages we used to do at school?   All the photos and magazine cutouts overlapped…and the glue got on the other parts of the collage.  How true with our Life Collages.  They overlap and get stuck together and affect each other.  So, remember whatever the enhancement?  Keep it real and true…keep it you.  Collagen can puff you up,  I mean that’s what it does…give you more puff for the fluff.  And just like in other parts of your life?  Enhancements can puff you up. If they are fake.  The  question to ask ourselves?  Does it make us better?  Or…better than?  I better go now.  Have a fun evening!  Make a collage of the different parts of your life…see where you can put some pants on enhance!  Enhancements that make you proud!  Not prouder than!  Puff for your fluff?  No more Collagen Collage!  And I’m not giving you any lip!   Cuz?  I don't want a fat lip!   PIMP LOL!     Now, go read the rest of my articles here at my place...and don't give me any lip.     Trace


  1. I really don't understand why so many women do the collagen implant thing, it just looks so unnatural on most. Some enhancement is fine, although I think the risks involved in surgery outweigh the possible benefits, so I'm not buying in. But to each his own, I guess...

  2. I agree... For me? No surgery and even the creams and stuff make me look worse. I tried some lipstick that had something in it to poof the lips, but I hated it. I like mostly natural...just a little makeup. I don't like fake or puffy, but I do enhance!!!
