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Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Don't Dwell On it...Dwell Because Of It (Be Infectious)

So, today I was talking to some beloved friends I haven’t seen in quite awhile and I was thinking about some things to write.  I wanted to "try hard to keep it simple". Kind of my oxymoron for the day.  So, we were talking about being infectious…in a good way.  It used to be a saying in our home group at the Broadbents after I came home from the hospital.  Dave and Tina used to call me that because I was sick a lot and funny…I think? As you know if you follow me here or know me at all, I have had traumatic surgeries and get sick quite a bit.  No complaints, though.  I can’t take conventional medicine, but I do take medicine of a different sort.  I can't take pills...but I am a pill!  PIMP LOL...  I used to take so much medications to stay alive?  That I wasn't living anymore, you know what I mean?  Got to where I couldn't do anything without the pills.  And my saying was: I have a "Pill Will"!  Give me a pill...and I will.  At least now I can joke about it.  There was a time when even talking about it was extremely painful...getting off all of it about killed me...had to almost live! But, my medicine now?  Heavy intravenous daily shots of humor, hope, music, service and most important…my faith in God.  And I am infectious.  You get around me?  You might catch it!  PIMP LOL…  So, back to the story.  After we parted, I was thinking about what they said about how far I had come.  To me, it seemed like very small steps and so very far to get yet, because I am always with me every moment.  Duh! And they aren’t.  It’s like watching hair growing or a flower blooming.  Or a watched pot.  They saw me today as God sees…the whole picture after years and not just the little steps.  They had more distance than I have had.  We have to remember to distance our self from, well?  Our self!  We need that once in awhile to get the whole picture over time.  It got me thinking about how we sometimes have to live with things in our life that are extremely tough, but that doesn’t mean we have to dwell on or in them.  Dwell because of them…dwell with them…not on them….or in them.  Because that well that you’re living with can be very deep.  Dwell with or next to…not where you can fall in and drown…cuz d’well is deep.  Now, that’s deep! TNT LOL...   Be infectious today.  Spread that love, that smile, that humor…spread your self...just not too thin.  Step outside yourself once in a while to be yourself again.  Dwell because…not on!  If you want to dwell on something?  Make it d'well of God.  Sounds cliche', right?  Well, for me it means just this one thing:  see God in everything and dwell on that part of it.  His part!  You can't drown in that.  His water is life...d'well of life.  Dwell because of life.   He will keep you afloat!   Try hard to keep it simple!  Last thoughts:  my photo above to the right?  Is a drawing from my friend, Amanda Wilson...teaches Zumba and sings amazingly!   The other photo?  Trace deep in thought!

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