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Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Oh, Man Caves, Batman And Explorers (Feeling Batty? Head To The Oh, Man! Cave)

You've heard of a "Man Cave", right? You, know? A room just for guys. We don't need one cuz I like the girl & guy stuff & we have a music room that I try to keep ungirly & cool, right?! But! We do have an "Oh, Man! Cave".  A room to go to when feeling kinda, well, "Oh, Man"! You know what I mean. An imaginary cave in your heart for exploring possibilities and leaving things behind! Oh, man! When things get tough? Be an explorer! PIMP LOL You know what I mean. When things are a little dark or rocky or batty? PIMP LOL...what better place to be than the cave of your heart. Talk to the Rock. Even Batman goes to the Batcave when things get batty!  TNT LOL...  And, by the way, in our house? Yes, you see girly decorations and all, a doily here or there... Duh, I love to decorate. But, you also see video games, guy stuff...etc., so I mix it in with everything...a little girl, a little guy, a little antique, a little modern...a little something for everyone.   Compromise. Have a great day and don't compromise your compromising!!! TNT LOL...or?  It could get compromising... What?


  1. My man cave is the place where I can express the sloppy inner-teenager living in my 57 year old body. When it gets too messy, before I get a chance to clean-up...which usually occurs when I can't find items of clothing or the dog...I just close the door and it doesn't exist. Thereby not becoming a source of torment to my bride.

  2. PIMP LOL... I'd call that? An "Oh, Man! Cave"! Just kidding...PIMP LOL. Guys gotta have a place in the home where they can be a guy. We have a little of home-iness and a little guy-ness! Plus a music room. My Oh, Man Cave is a place in my mind!!! Have a fun day!
