Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I Never Promised You A Rose Garden

I beg your pardon!  I never promised you a rose garden… Just a rose mic! PIMP LOL. What? Gotta love those rose mics that grow in our Funky Town. Anyways, I was thinking about my garden this morning. My rose bushes died the last freeze and I so want more. A fresh start. Working out in the garden was always my rest, my escape. Like music, humor and writing. So, I was thinkin’ ‘bout the roses and the thorns. What would the thorns have to do if not for the rose. But! What would the rose be without the thorns? Hmmm… We wouldn’t have the beautiful roses without the thorns because they protect the roses from predators that eat them alive. Just as our thorns protect us from predators that would eat us alive. We all have different kinds of thorns, but I’m mostly thinking of the crown of thorns that Christ wore for us. To protect us… To grow us… His roses. Thorns and all! Our Rose.  Now, grab one of those rose mics and sing. Watch out for the thorns. What? Takes pain to make authenticity rise up through the soul and out through the lips to another soul.     Trace

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