Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Monday, April 9, 2012

Travel Travails!

Travel Travails! Yep! I’m a trip! And, I’m on a journey! I’ve got to carry on. PIMP LOL! No need to pack a suitcase or carry-on cuz I come with my own baggage. And, believe me? It’s packed! I’m a case and that suits me fine. But, I have no reservations! Just keepin’ my eye on the destination! Check out some places visited on my travel trunk. Some trips “stick”er with you more than others. Life is a trip. If your travel becomes too much travail, it’s time to check your baggage! Ya know, I wouldn't have found my way to Hopeville if I had been on my way from Hellandbackville! Just sayin'... Carry on… Oh! And, I've also traveled to the outskirts of "DaClubville" but made it in town. I was on the outside lookin' in and I got hit with da club!  Duh!  What?  Well, I've never been in the popular or "in" clubs at school or work or church or most anywhere.  Always on the outskirts wearing my outjeans and outfingerless gloves! Suppose that coulda kept me out?  Nah! I'm just out there!  Oh well.  Anyone's welcome in my town.  Stop by: Funky Town.  Near Traceville.  Trace


  1. I was travelling on a wide road & the ride was smooth & so much fun!
    So I thought.
    Until God detoured in.
    & showed me exactly where I'd been.
    To hell...&...back...again.

  2. Love you Joy! Appreciate your time and visits more than you could know. Have a fun day! Trace
