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Monday, April 2, 2012

Pocketbooks, Wallets And Pocketing From The Good Book!

What's in your wallet? Well, I call them pocketbooks. Or, pockabooks, as we say in Pennsylvania! It's not what's in your pocketbook, it' s what you pocket from The Good Book. So, I got this li’l pocketbook/wallet at a garage sale awhile back along with the chocolate fur scarf and a crocheted sweater, to which I added beads.  Got the gorgeous dress from a dear friend, Paige, along time ago.  The pocketbook has li’l beaded roses and details on the strap and is so me.  Didn’t have much in my wallet, but I found these nice things that someone else didn’t need or want anymore.  God blesses us when we open our empty hearts and empty wallets to possibilities.  To find joy in the garage sales just as much as the expensive store sales. To find joy in the li'l and see the big.  Final thought?  It’s not how much you have in your pocketbook, but how much you pocket from the Good Book!  So, what’s in your wallet?  Well, mine’s a pocketbook! PIMP LOL.  More importantly, what’s in the wallet, pocket or pocketbook of your heart?  Oh!  And, just so's we're clear?  I do think money makes things easier.  And, I do like shopping in the big stores when I can Also, Been a crazy 2 weeks of the flu and my crazy body not acting right and other stuff.  Hadn’t been out or had my boots on or sang or felt like listening to music.  For me?  That’s bad.  So, today?  Got my boots on again and listening one of my fave albums to get me going.  Nicole Mullen’s album from 2000 called Redeemer.  Fave song on it?  All! But “Homemade” says it for me.  Goes right along with this story.  I ain’t never been the most popular or rich or most beautiful, but it’s amazing what a li’l homemade love can do.  Check it out.  You will be delighted!  Every song on it is fabulous and cool.  Here is a myspace link to Homemade!  But, get the CD!  Trace

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