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Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Friday, June 8, 2012


“HIGH-FIVE 4 The SCI-FIVE!” So, seein’ how we are big SCI-FI, Alien, Terminator, Star Wars, Predator, etc., fans, Garnet Rose and Sam are going on a Father-Daughter night to celebrate Father’s Day by going to see the IMAX 3D Prometheus. Am I jealous? Yes. I wanna see that movie. PIMP LOL. But, I want more for them to have a night she’ll keep in mind, so that when the other guys come around, she’ll compare. And, just know that they, too, will be treated as an alien and terminated if they don’t behave! They’ll answer to “mother”, too. If you get my drift from the movie! Besides! We shall watch it again together another time. We’ll be InterNetfliXbox360’ing it. Or, you could say, we will WI-FI the SCI-FI! PIMP LOL. I’m so sure they will not tell me any details. Yeauh, right! Am I an alien or what? Yo! Duh! Have a fun night! I’ll be back! You know you just said that in Arnold Schwarzenegger voice, of course. Oh! And, you’ll see my photo shows some of our fave movies and Yoda who is hiding behind Chewbacca because the Terminator is ‘bout to annihilate him. The Terminator was brought back from China and is made of all screws and metal. Oh! And, a “HIGH-FIve for the SCI-FIve movies! Which 5? Umm…Terminator, Alien, Star Wars, Star Trek and Predator! All of ‘em! Oh! And, I am thankful for the heavens and space that God created and the creativity He put in the movie makers. Get creative today! Don't be an alien to the planet Unique! Trace