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Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Oh SNAP: Social Network Authentic Photodrama

“Oh SNAP: Social Network Authentic Photodrama”! I say: “keepin’ it real transparent gives you a better shot at relationships being a snap! What? Well, I was putting up my new thumbnail snapshot and I got to thinking… I always see eye to eye with my SNAP. You know? My Social Network Authentic Photodrama! My photodrama that always portrays the authentic me, right? PIMP LOL. So, I see eye to eye and face to face. Well, face to Facebook with it. No matter how artsy I make it, it’s still the real deal. But, we human beings don’t always see eye to eye with others whether we’re face to face or face to Facebook. Sometimes, people act different face to face than how they act on Facebook. Or fakebook, as some call it. Me? I’m just too transparent to try to fake it. No good at hiding feelings at all. I’m an open book. And, an open Facebook when it comes to humor and hope and music and sharing my heart. I like to speak off the cuff and that requires truth so you don’t have to think of what you’ll say next. The truth is always authentic. Duh! And, ya know…umm…you might not see eye to eye with someone, but if go by the Book, and talk to them face to face, heart to heart, you have a better shot at it being a SNAP! An authentic snapshot of you. I say that your snap should represent the snappy you! The real you. That’s why I use cartoons a lot! PIMP LOL. I love to communicate on the internet, but I do think it is so important to call and write notes and see people face to face, also. I know firsthand how easy it can be to be a hermit. I had to use the internet for a outlet to share and do music for quite awhile. But, we need to keep up our face-to-face skills and person-to person calls if we want to get down with the heart-to-hearts and the cheek-to-cheeks! PIMP LOL. It’s not always a snap! But, it’s so worth it! Oh snap! Oh! And, the photo? Just keeping it real! Real transparent! Authentic! You’ll have a better shot at relationships being a snap! Just remember… Into each life a li’l snappy authentic photodrama must fall! Or be created! Or represent! Oh snap! You know what I'm sayin'!     Trace


  1. Whenever my mom wanted us kids to bust'a move her favorite phrase was..."Make it snappy!"
    I'm thinkin' I'm likin' your version much better Tracy!
    It's snappier.

    1. Thanks, JoY. I love you visiting my porch. And, hanging out. Love you. And, appreciate your time. Come back soon. Trace
