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Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Saturday, May 26, 2012


"ADDICTIONS & BIRTHDAYS! WE ALL HAVE 'EM BOTH!" It's never too late to celebrate a birthday or overcoming an addiction!" So, this weekend would have been my big brother, Larry’s birthday. I miss him. He died on my birthday the same year I almost died. I lost alot of memories from my big seizure in 2006, but this photo brought back a few teary ones. The girls all loved his hair. He was handsome. He was the typical big brother who wouldn't let any of his friends talk to me or even like me. He played drums and showed me tons of awesome music. But, later on he had a tough time of it with seizure stuff, like me, and even more with addictions struggling with life, prison, and much more. The addictions took over his whole body and made him someone else. Did things he never would have. I know how that is! Right? He needed something or someone stronger than the addictions. Conquering an addiction is faith and perseverance. You MUST want what you cannot see yet more than what you are feeling at the moment. Every single day! I know Larry wouldn’t mind me sharing that he prayed with me and accepted Christ in his last year or so & was trying so hard to forgive himself. He knew God could. But, isn't it hardest for us to forgive ourselves? Anyways, thought this could help someone else. I, thankfully, got to share at his funeral so others might benefit from his struglle. I, too, fought with many addictions in my life and health issues from a rare childhood disease in my stomach that left me trying to find other ways to deal. Like, he did. Like many do. Anyways, I got off everything in my 20’s and turned my life around only by the Grace of God, but the later surgeries I had to have to save my life led me back down the addiction road, only prescription drugs, this time. It was worse than alcohol, drugs, smoking, all of them. Good news is I’ve been off all that 5 years now. Yes, it was hard. Still is. Just wanted to share that God does care about us. And, that addictions can be fought. We need each other and we need God. Don’t give up on someone or yourself. It’s never too late to turn your life around and see what it’s like to be free. Or help someone turn theirs around. Addictions are devastating for everyone involved, but can be overcome. Is it tough? The toughest. You just gotta be tougher. I don't have a magical cure. You just gotta be tough and call on God. With God all these things are possible. And this life is not all there is. See you again some day, Larry. Happy birthday and I love you, dear brother! Oh! And, the photo? Well, it's my fave one of him, 2nd from the right. Doesn't have my 2 sisters in it, but it has my other brother, Troy on the right, my cuz, Justin and me over on the left. A friend, Daph next to me. Thanks for reading. Hope it helps you or someone to never give up. Remember! It's never too late to celebrate a life or overcoming an addiction. Which is life in itself! Trace

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