Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Well, lock me up and throw away the key! I’ve always known that I talk to myself, but I just found out that I’ve been talking to myself out loud for who knows how long! And, here I thought it was all in my head. NO, I mean, really! All in my head! As in, I was just THINKING all of it. What? Well, I am usually working all day by myself, so how would I know? But today, I about jumped out of my skin when all of a sudden I heard Sam say “who are you talking to?” Let me tell you! I did not hear or expect him to be standing there at that time of day! Freaked me right out. He said I was talking about my video and singing and having a full convo. Wow! I thought that was all going on in my head. I guess I really am out of my head. Or, at least my convos are. So, how did I answer him? I told him I was talkin’ to God. What? It’s a true enough answer. I am doing that all day, too. So, if you’re out of your head? Talk to God. He’ll get into your head and get the other stuff out. I take stock in that. Keeps me out of the stocks. You know? Prison blues! Think of it this way. If your kids were in the house, would you want them to walk around the house all summer talking to themselves or their computer, or directing the convo to you? Don’t answer that! PIMP LOL. NO, really, I would want them to talk to me. Definitely! So, don’t you think God wants us to talk to Him? Yep! Sure do. I don’t know how He does it with so many of us blabbing, but He does. So, if you feel all locked up and need to talk? Start with God. Like I said, I take stock in that. Keeps me out of the stocks! PIMP LOL. Besides? If your outta your head anyways, there’s already room for Him to get in. And, also? Talk to your kids! It’’ll help keep them out of the stocks. Now, someone get me out of here. Oh wait! This photo is from the Old Jail in St. Augustine. I bet you thought it was from when I was in that Mexican jail, right? Nope! But, that's another story. Have a fun night. Don't get locked up! Trace

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