Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Come hang out and rock and read with me here...

Thursday, May 24, 2012


A Busy Body Or A Busybody? OK! Yes! At my house, I AM the dishwasher. I do dishes by hand. Sometimes, even 2 hands? What? It would be pretty hard by foot. My girl likes to dry them. Of course, they sit in the drainer until they are dry, but she does actually put them away…sometimes! Did I just stick my foot in my mouth? That’s the real reason I can’t do dishes by foot. It’s in my mouth. So, umm…I guess that means that busy hands, busy feet and a busy heart make a busy body not? Or a busy body keeps you from being a busybody? PIMP LOL. Now, I gotta go. I’m a body that’s busy! A busy body. Oh! And, you can see what we really do when we do the dishes! Umm…sing! Measuring cups double as a mic for us! That’s how we measure up! Be a busy body not a busybody! Measure up! Oh! And, just a li’l note! I see way up in the left hand corner, my antique cake safe. I don’t have it anymore because I got rid of so many things when the Dr.’s told me to “get my affairs in order” a few years ago. Guess what? I’m still here. I may not have all the things that I gave away to help prepare my family for my illness at the time, or even have all of me left, but! I am still here. So, this body is gonna keep busy. I want to measure u p. If you’re busy being thankful for what you do have, it’ll be hard to be a busybody in what other people have. Trace

1 comment:

  1. You are such a busy body! I love this.

